
Terjemahan dari venerable
old, elderly, dark, ancient, aged, venerable
yg patut dimuliakan
venerable, commendable, praiseworthy, laudable, meritorious
yg patut dihormati
reputable, venerable, worthy
yg patut disegani
Definisi venerable
accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
a venerable statesman
sinonim: respected, venerated, revered, honored, esteemed, hallowed, august, distinguished, eminent, great, grand
  • respected, venerated, revered, honored, esteemed, hallowed, august, distinguished, eminent,great, grand
  • revered, august
The thought of making money at the expense of these venerable institutions was hugely tempting.
For example, the venerable Everett Ferguson writes on ordination and the authority of the congregation in the early church.
The first stage is where a person is declared a Servant of God, the next is where the Church declares a person venerable .
But when that venerable team melted into the sunset, normal service was resumed.
He was also acutely aware of being part a long and venerable exegetical tradition.
There is also a long and venerable family tradition of building and constructing.
The venerable church father approached the Bible as if he were sitting down to a beautifully presented, sumptuous banquet feast.
Rather than impose preconceived plans on a venerable company with a distinct culture, he’s going to listen first.
By then, the venerable Ron Newman had given way to former U.S. national team coach Bob Gansler, but the Wizards woes continued.
The nuptial ceremony was performed by the venerable archdeacon John Murray assisted by Dean Timothy O’Connor PP.
I wait to see whether an even more venerable Caledonian diver will now come forward.
They don’t have the venerable institutions and structures of the two big parties.
The venerable abbot is himself a traitor, while Fan Dabei, the drunken beggar, turns out to be a warrior with a mission.
Yes, I did that venerable one a favor; I did what nobody else would.
In fact, Eminem seems constitutionally incapable of partaking in hip-hop’s most venerable traditions.
It was a wonderful afternoon, all of us upstarts, edgy and feisty, garnering the imprimatur of thevenerable professor.
The venerable Sir Walter Scott, who self-consciously wrote romances, criticized Jane Austen for not being romantic enough.
The venerable A-level celebrates its 54th birthday this year.
This last factor will weigh particularly heavily with Egypt’s Mubarak, now the venerable elder statesman of the Arab world.
Perhaps the most venerable and prestigious general scientific journal in the world is Nature.
All of these are venerable human institutions that we recently decided to change.
The police are also rediscovering the benefits of some of our more venerable instruments.
Lee Petty, the venerable patriarch, died on April 5 at age 86 of complications from a stomach aneurysm.
Sendmail is one of the most venerable internet software packages still in widespread use.
Eugene, you are from the venerable Catholic tradition, which of course has been around a long time.
Leading the charge against Graham was none other than Reinhold Niebuhr, the venerable professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York City.
However, the concept’s very venerability has also generated arguments that criticism should move beyond it – or that literature already has.
The ages of these veterans ranged from fifty-nine up to the patriarchal venerableness of nearly ninety.
In the repleteness of His venerableness , ‘His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow,’.
And about its simplicity, majesty, gravity, harmony, and venerableness , there can be but one opinion
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[…] of the anomalies of our approach to history is the propensity to study the venerable empire of Europe, but we do not feel it incumbent upon us to ascertain anything about the […]

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