Terjemahan dari perturb verba mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, perturb mengusik harass, tease, touch, perturb, pick on mencemaskan worry, thrill, perturb, put about, frighten, disturb menyusahkan trouble, distress, burden, inconvenience, pester, perturb membingungkan confuse, baffle, puzzle, mystify, confound, perturb menggelisahkan agitate, discomfort, alarm, worry, fidget, perturb Definisi perturb verba make (someone) anxious or unsettled. …
Terjemahan dari lowland nomina lebak lowland, valley daerah lembah lowland dataran yg rendah lowland baruh lowland Definisi lowland nomina low-lying country. economic power gravitated toward the lowlands Contoh In the summer, they breed on marshy, lowland tundra at the northern limits of the boreal forest. lowland farming Alpine regions, lowland forests and wetlands all have …
Terjemahan dari wince verba menggerenyet wince, have a muscle spasm, twitch, make a squeaking noise bergerenyit wince nomina kejap wink, wince kelip twinkle, wince Definisi wince nomina a slight grimace or shrinking movement caused by pain or distress. At the touch of his hand, there was a slight wince of pain. sinonim: grimace, flinch, start …
Terjemahan dari promulgate verba menyebarluaskan disseminate, propagate, promulgate, blaze abroad memaklumkan promulgate, serve notice, advise memberitahukan tell, notify, inform, give, announce, promulgate mengajarkan teach, preach, lecture, promulgate mengumumkan dgn resmi promulgate Definisi promulgate verba promote or make widely known (an idea or cause). these objectives have to be promulgated within the organization sinonim: make known, …
Terjemahan dari tramp nomina gelandangan bum, tramp, bummer, vagrant, hobo, vagabond petualang adventurer, wanderer, tramp, hobo, gadder, gadabout derap langkah tramp pelacur prostitute, slut, tart, harlot, courtesan, tramp wanita jalang tramp, floozy, harlot, prostitute, callgirl, whore pengeluyur tramp, wanderer wanita pelacur prostitute, harlot, tramp, moll, whore, callgirl tualang wanderer, tramp jigong plaque, dirty person, tramp …