Swagger artinya sombong, belagu, berjalan dengan sikap sombong Contoh Kalimat : There is something of an arrogant swagger about Ibrahimovic. One exchange neatly sums up the swagger of the young, high, stupid and heavily armed. Smit slowly walked back to his chair with an arrogant swagger . The Saints duly went marching in, although it …
Terjemahan dari delude verba menipu deceive, fool, cheat, trick, defraud, delude memperdaya deceive, trick, outwit, bamboozle, delude, beguile menyesatkan mislead, pervert, delude, hoodwink membohongi deceive, delude, hoax, dupe, hoodwink, queer memperdayakan deceive, wile, bamboozle, trick, delude, beguile Definisi delude verba impose a misleading belief upon (someone); deceive; fool. too many theorists have deluded the public …
Slack artinya lemah, lambat, kendur Simak beberapa kalimat di bawah ini untuk lebih memahami maksudnya : Contoh They moved around behind the tree, then the rope went slack and the ground smashed up. Haxby United edged into a 1-0 lead over visiting Old Malton when slack defensive play let in David Thompson for a well-taken …
Terjemahan dari litigant nomina penggugat plaintiff, litigant, prosecutor, contestant penuntut prosecutor, claimant, plaintiff, complainant, student, litigant pihak yg berperkara litigant Definisi litigant nomina a person involved in a lawsuit. So judges and magistrates are not subject to litigation from disgruntled litigants . adjektiva involved in a lawsuit. the parties litigant Sinonim nomina litigator Contoh I …
Terjemahan dari gratify verba memuaskan satisfy, quench, gratify, satiate, meet, content memenuhi meet, fulfill, satisfy, comply, cater, gratify menyenangkan please, delight, pleasure, treat, gratify, gladden memberi kebahagiaan gratify memberi kepuasaan gratify Definisi gratify verba give (someone) pleasure or satisfaction. I was gratified to see the coverage in May’s issue sinonim: please, gladden, make happy, delight, …