Terjemahan dari insinuate verba menyusup infiltrate, penetrate, insinuate, thread, pass in a low posture menyelundup smuggle, duck, interlope, infiltrate, insinuate menyindir secara tak langsung insinuate, allude, drop a hint, hint Definisi insinuate verba suggest or hint (something bad or reprehensible) in an indirect and unpleasant way. he was insinuating that she had slept her way …
Terjemahan dari infatuation nomina keberahian infatuation, passion, allurement hal jatuh cinta infatuation hal jatuh hati infatuation kegila-gilaan delirium, infatuation, craze Definisi infatuation nomina an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something. he had developed an infatuation with the girl Sinonim nomina crush, calf love, puppy love Contoh he had developed an infatuation …
Terjemahan dari extensive adjektiva luas comprehensive, spacious, extensive, wide, broad, vast lebar wide, broad, large, extensive, full panjang long, lengthy, extensive, great, full-length panjang lebar lengthy, elaborate, extensive, detailed, wordy, prolix lawa extensive, vast banglas vast, extensive Definisi extensive adjektiva covering or affecting a large area. an extensive garden sinonim: large, large-scale, sizable, substantial, considerable, …
Definisi unabated adjektiva without any reduction in intensity or strength. the storm was raging unabated Contoh unabate His love affair with music continues unabated as Mr. Isaacs provides training to young musicians at his home. If the property boom continues unabated during the next few months, the Bank could be forced to raise rates sooner …
Terjemahan dari retrospect verba mengingat kembali recall, look back, recollect, retrospect, re-create nomina tinjauan ke belakang retrospect Definisi retrospect nomina a survey or review of a past course of events or period of time. As most of the passengers were settling down, Elf began a retrospect of the events of the past months. Sinonim verba …