
Terjemahan dari reprimand
warning, reprimand, reproof, admonition, wig, rowing
insult, slur, lambasting, reprimand, censure, invective
tweak, reprimand
lambasting, revilement, scorn, invective, snapper, reprimand
rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, address
snub, insult, offend, revile, rail, reprimand
revile, insult, rail, reprimand, snub, offend
nag, reprimand, lecture, complain, lay into, jump
Definisi reprimand
a rebuke, especially an official one.
The destruction of the Afghan Buddhas was met with reprimands from our officials, while ancient religious sites in our own country are being turned into quarries.
sinonim: rebuke, reproof, admonishment, admonition, reproach, scolding, upbraiding, finger-wagging, censure, rap over the knuckles, slap on the wrist, dressing-down, talking-to, earful, roasting, tongue-lashing, castigation
rebuke (someone), especially officially.
officials were dismissed or reprimanded for poor work
sinonim: rebuke, admonish, chastise, chide, upbraid, reprove, reproach, scold, berate, take to task, lambaste, give someone a piece of one’s mind, rake/haul over the coals, lecture, criticize, censure, come down on, give someone a talking-to, tell off, dress down, give someone a dressing-down, give someone an earful, give someone a roasting, rap over the knuckles, rap, slap someone’s wrist, bawl out, lay into, lace into, blast, give someone what for, chew out, ream out, castigate
  • rebuke, reproof, admonishment, admonition, reproach, scolding, upbraiding, finger-wagging,censure, rap over the knuckles, slap on the wrist, dressing-down, talking-to, earful, roasting,tongue-lashing, castigation
  • rebuke, reprehension, reproof, reproval
  • rebuke, admonish, chastise, chide, upbraid, reprove, reproach, scold, berate, take to task,lambaste, give someone a piece of one’s mind, rake/haul over the coals, lecture, criticize,censure, come down on, give someone a talking-to, tell off, dress down, give someone a dressing-down, give someone an earful, give someone a roasting, rap over the knuckles, rap,slap someone’s wrist, bawl out, lay into, lace into, blast, give someone what for, chew out,ream out, castigate
Baca Juga  Corky
  • lambaste, call down, lambast, jaw, bawl out, chide, rag, rebuke, remonstrate, chew up, take to task, have words, berate, chew out, dress down, trounce, lecture, scold, reproof
  • criminate, censure
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Next port of call is the Council of Ministers where tomorrow evening the commission’s recommendation to formally reprimand Ireland will be carried.
Many believe the admission of shortcomings was in response to Chinese President Hu Jintao’s publicreprimand of Tung and his ministers last month.
The captain says he ought to flog all of them, but because they surrendered early, he will make do with just a reprimand .
Although Mutius’s death is horrific in its own right, Rome does not reprimand Titus for his action.
By way of reprimand , Othello was forced to demote Cassio, a severe blow to the high-ranking officer.
Both Steinhardt and the secret police seem to have shared the belief that the complex process of religious conversion that the writer underwent while in prison was a personal matter and as such deserved no reprimand .
For bragging about the size of her sub, Kathryn Bigelow earns a reprimand from this court.
She could easily have ruined his career with a harassment suit but instead chose to just walk away, and he’s insisting we reprimand her for doing so.
Although one American Eastern Catholic bishop has recently ordained a married man in America without reprimand from the Vatican, most Eastern bishops simply lack the courage to act on what the law clearly permits.
the golfer received a reprimand for a breach of rules
It is governed automatically by scripts that do the specific bidding of their creators both to help and toreprimand users of the protocol.
When she insults Miss Bates at Box Hill, Mr. Knightley’s reprimand really shames her.
In the end he got away with a fine and a reprimand , and the woodblocks for a satirical triptych were destroyed
Still the degree of solidarity expressed by our US friends since last Monday’s EU reprimand over Irish budgetary policy was impressive.
All were found guilty, receiving sentences varying from discharge and detention to a fine andreprimand .
Finally, God’s absence, reflected in his impossibility to offer neither reprimand nor comfort, is mirrored in a simulation of authorial impotence.
Then, while still in the changed garments, Edward noticed Tom’s bruised hand and went out toreprimand the guard who had caused it.
Universal is given a reprimand for some poor decisions concerning the making of this set.
Macomb reprimanded the assistant, who eventually resigned.
The prosecution team is reprimanded for repeatedly bringing Ms. Starling, Dr. Lecter, and their companions before this bench.
It was a work tool first and a social catalyst second, the thought of abusing it couldn’t be further from peoples minds, let alone they consider they may be monitored or even reprimanded for it.
It was obvious from the pleasant expression on his face that he was only jesting, but judging solely from the tone of his voice, a passerby would’ve thought he was a father reprimanding an insolent child.
Laurel trudged up the front walk and through her front door, bracing herself for her mother’s screeching reprimands .
Anse reprimands his boys for being disrespectful of himself and his wife.
When behavior improves, reprimands may not be necessary any longer.
In December 1653, he was reprimanded by his peers and fined for neglect of duty; many subsequent warnings went unheeded.
She’s reprimanded for something she didn’t do, is demoted and finally grounded altogether.
This court reprimands Universal and any studio that releases sub-standard product.
Con’s grandmother reprimands him for coming in late last night.
Mr. Knightley reprimands her for this behavior, and she feels terrible.
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