a possum will often act dead when faced with a situation it doesn’t want to deal with. Playing possum, when someone comes to your house that you don’t want to talk to, so you act like your not home. Joe “Hey greg said he dropped over your place earlier, weren’t you home?” Darren “I was …
Terjemahan dari malt nomina gandum terendam air malt Definisi malt verba convert (grain) into malt. barley is grown for malting Sinonim nomina malted milk, malted malt liquor Contoh So your best bets are brown rice syrup and barley malt , which are higher in nutrient content and are metabolized more slowly than white sugar. malt …
Terjemahan dari array nomina susunan arrangement, composition, structure, order, array, system aturan rule, regulation, arrangement, precept, array, instruction jajaran range, array, row, series pameran exhibition, exhibit, show, fair, display, array pertunjukan show, performance, display, entertainment, showing, array kesatuan tempur array kesatuan perang array perhiasan jewelry, bijouterie, ornament, embellishment, finery, array dandanan makeup, finery, ornamentation, adornment, …
Terjemahan dari vessel nomina kapal ship, boat, vessel, craft, shipboard, watercraft pembuluh vessel, artery, tube, duct, pipe bejana vessel, container, vase wadah container, vessel, receptacle, crock bak basin, vessel, trough, font, dolly tub, scuttle tempat place, where, spot, point, area, vessel Definisi vessel nomina a ship or large boat. The bridge only opens with two …
Terjemahan dari volition nomina kemauan will, volition, desire, wish, grain, appetence kehendak will, desire, wish, purpose, volition, want Definisi volition nomina the faculty or power of using one’s will. without conscious volition she backed into her office Sinonim nomina will willing Contoh That implies a good deal of volition , but I would argue that …