Definisi quarterback nomina a player positioned behind the center who directs a team’s offensive play. Rookie quarterbacks deal with offensive playbooks that dwarf the ones they studied in college. verba play as a quarterback for (a particular team). He quarterbacked the football team to a league title. Contoh Quite often, everyone is acting independently, with …
Terjemahan dari hellish adjektiva jahat evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, hellish kejam cruel, ruthless, vicious, brutal, harsh, hellish Definisi hellish adjektiva of or like hell. an unearthly, hellish landscape sinonim: infernal, Hadean, chthonic, diabolical, fiendish, satanic, demonic, evil, wicked adverbia extremely (used for emphasis). it was hellish expensive Sinonim adjektiva infernal, Hadean, chthonic, diabolical, fiendish, …
Terjemahan dari implacable adjektiva kepala batu implacable, headstrong, obstinate, recalcitrant gurat batu implacable, obstinate Definisi implacable adjektiva unable to be placated. he was an implacable enemy of Ted’s sinonim: unappeasable, unforgiving, unsparing, inexorable, intransigent, inflexible, unyielding, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, relentless, ruthless, remorseless, merciless, heartless, pitiless, cruel, hard, harsh, stern, tough, iron-fisted Sinonim adjektiva unappeasable, unforgiving, …
Terjemahan dari predecessor nomina pendahulu predecessor, precursor, forerunner leluhur ancestor, ancestry, progenitor, father, forebear, predecessor orang yg disebut lebih dulu predecessor Definisi predecessor nomina a person who held a job or office before the current holder. the new president’s foreign policy is very similar to that of his predecessor sinonim: forerunner, precursor, antecedent Sinonim nomina …
Terjemahan dari deleterious adjektiva yg merusak baneful, mordant, detrimental, pestilential, deleterious, destructive yg mengganggu irritant, aggravating, irritative, pestilential, importunate, deleterious Definisi deleterious adjektiva causing harm or damage. divorce is assumed to have deleterious effects on children sinonim: harmful, damaging, detrimental, injurious, adverse, disadvantageous, unfavorable, unfortunate, undesirable, bad Sinonim adjektiva harmful, damaging, detrimental, injurious, adverse, disadvantageous, …