Terjemahan dari allure nomina daya tarik attraction, appeal, charm, allure, traction, magnetism daya pemikat lure, glamor, charm, allure, appeal, allurement daya penarik appeal, charm, attraction, traction, allure, allurement panggilan call, calling, summons, subpoena, citation, allure verba memikat lure, attract, entice, enthrall, fascinate, allure Definisi allure nomina the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or …
Terjemahan dari slumlord nomina pemilik rumah-rumah gubuk slumlord Definisi slumlord nomina a landlord of slum property, especially one who profiteers. ‘I’m convinced that it’s the first time this city will have a real plan of action against slums and slumlords ,’ says Prescott, who believes it’ll take some imagination and, of course, some cash. Contoh …
Terjemahan dari proponent nomina pendukung support, supporter, proponent, stalwart, endorser, party penyokong support, advocate, proponent, supporter, backer, patron penganjur advocate, proponent, promoter, missionary, leader Definisi proponent nomina a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or project. a collection of essays by both critics and proponents of graphology sinonim: advocate, champion, supporter, backer, promoter, protagonist, campaigner, …
Terjemahan dari perturb verba mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, perturb mengusik harass, tease, touch, perturb, pick on mencemaskan worry, thrill, perturb, put about, frighten, disturb menyusahkan trouble, distress, burden, inconvenience, pester, perturb membingungkan confuse, baffle, puzzle, mystify, confound, perturb menggelisahkan agitate, discomfort, alarm, worry, fidget, perturb Definisi perturb verba make (someone) anxious or unsettled. …
Terjemahan dari shimmer verba berkilau sparkle, shimmer, glisten, glitter, glare, glint berkelip twinkle, blink, flicker, sparkle, glitter, shimmer berkelip-kelip glitter, twinkle, flicker, nictitate, nictate, shimmer nomina kilau luster, sparkle, sheen, shine, shimmer, scintillation cahaya gemerlap shimmer cahaya yg berkilau-kilau shimmer Definisi shimmer nomina a soft, slightly wavering light. a pale shimmer of moonlight sinonim: glint, …