aware, conscious, mindful, awake, cognizant, sensible
yg mengetahui
witting, cognizant, versed
statesmen must be cognizant of the political boundaries within which they work
aware, conscious, mindful, awake, cognizant, sensible
yg mengetahui
witting, cognizant, versed
statesmen must be cognizant of the political boundaries within which they work
Terjemahan dari intrude verba mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, intrude memaksakan impose, enforce, compel, assert, make, intrude masuk tanpa diundang crash in, intrude Definisi intrude verba put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited. he had no right to intrude into their lives (of igneous rock) be forced …
Terjemahan dari occupy verba menempati occupy, take, fill, settle, infest, site menduduki occupy, take, sit, place, infest, rank menghuni inhabit, occupy, dwell, tenant mendiami inhabit, live, occupy, populate, dwell, settle tinggal stay, live, remain, reside, dwell, occupy mengisi fill, charge, fill in, fill out, complete, occupy memenuhi meet, fulfill, satisfy, comply, cater, occupy menyibukkan busy, …
Terjemahan dari gaol nomina penjara prison, jail, penitentiary, gaol, lockup, slammer bui jail, buoy, gaol verba memenjarakan imprison, jail, incarcerate, prison, put away, gaol Sinonim gaol nomina jail, slammer, pokey, jailhouse, clink, poky verba put behind bars, jail, remand, lag, imprison, put away, jug, immure, incarcerate Contoh The first shall pass his life alone; he …
Terjemahan dari revile verba mencaci berate, revile, abuse, chide, fling, scold mencerca revile, insult, rail, reprimand, snub, offend mencaci maki berate, revile, abuse, scold, lash out, miscall mengumpat curse, swear, slander, traduce, vituperate, revile mencercai snub, insult, offend, revile, rail, lambaste mengejikan lower, revile memperkejikan dishonor, humble, humiliate, lower, degrade, revile Definisi revile verba criticize …
Terjemahan dari cliff nomina jurang gap, ravine, gorge, cliff, chasm, brink karang terjal cliff tebing curam precipice, cliff, bluff Definisi cliff nomina a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea. a path along the top of rugged cliffs sinonim: precipice, rock face, crag, bluff, ridge, escarpment, scar, scarp, ledge, overhang Sinonim nomina …