Terjemahan dari flunk verba gagal fail, flop, collapse, flunk, fizzle out, bust menggagalkan thwart, frustrate, foil, mess up, defeat, flunk jatuh fall, fall down, fall off, tumble, crash, flunk menjatuhkan drop, impose, down, bring down, fell, flunk memecat fire, sack, ax, expel, terminate, flunk Definisi flunk verba fail to reach the required standard in (an …
Terjemahan dari brainstorm nomina ilham inspiration, brainwave, revelation, brainstorm Definisi brainstorm nomina a spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of solving problems. A survey by Business Link revealed that few rated brainstorms or discussions at work with colleagues. a moment in which one is suddenly unable to think clearly or act sensibly. Annabel …
Terjemahan dari suburb nomina kota satelit suburb, satellite town, satellite bagian pinggir kota suburb Definisi suburb nomina an outlying district of a city, especially a residential one. The subjects come from a variety of backgrounds, from inner city ghettoes to upmarket suburbs . sinonim: residential area, dormitory area, bedroom community, commuter shed, commuter belt, exurb, …
Terjemahan dari chummy adjektiva akrab familiar, intimate, close, chummy, great, fast karib intimate, chummy, fast Definisi chummy adjektiva on friendly terms; friendly. she’s become pretty chummy with Ted lately sinonim: friendly, on good terms, close, familiar, intimate, buddy-buddy, thick, palsy-walsy Sinonim adjektiva friendly, on good terms, close, familiar, intimate, buddy-buddy, thick, palsy-walsy buddy-buddy, thick pally, …
Terjemahan dari treachery nomina pengkhianatan betrayal, treason, treachery, denunciation, denouncement, treacherousness kecederaan treachery, perfidy, faithlessness Definisi treachery nomina betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature. his resignation was perceived as an act of treachery sinonim: betrayal, disloyalty, faithlessness, unfaithfulness, infidelity, breach of trust, duplicity, dirty tricks, deceit, deception, chicanery, stab in the back, backstabbing, double-dealing, …