
Terjemahan dari pugnacious
fierce, ferocious, violent, pugnacious, vivid, truculent
yg suka berkelahi
bellicose, belligerent, pugnacious, quarrelsome, scrappy
Definisi pugnacious
eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight.
the increasingly pugnacious demeanor of politicians
sinonim: combative, aggressive, antagonistic, belligerent, bellicose, warlike, quarrelsome, argumentative, contentious, disputatious, hostile, threatening, truculent, fiery, hot-tempered
  • combative, aggressive, antagonistic, belligerent, bellicose, warlike, quarrelsome,argumentative, contentious, disputatious, hostile, threatening, truculent, fiery, hot-tempered
  • rough
  • hard-bitten, hard-boiled
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Bass being pugnacious and aggressive creatures by nature, the take is often a very violent affair.
According to my bird book, bulbuls are pugnacious , and are still used as contestants in bulbul fights.
Enthusiastic is one word that works, driven is another that can be recommended, there’s pugnaciousof course, and yet the best one might be ‘expert’.
Has the world’s most pugnacious advocate for the world’s poor, a man who almost single-handedly brought the appalling images of famine-struck Africa into the front rooms of millions of Britons, finally gone too far?
The interviewer got nowhere with trying to manipulate or trip up the pugnacious trial lawyer turned politician.
A pugnacious manager opens the door and leads us to a living room filled with people – Palmer’s son and daughter, his wife, and the man himself, looking dapper in brown leather shoes and a blue Savile Row shirt.
There’s nothing – absolutely nothing – that the pugnacious little Dubliner likes better than standing centre stage, dodging the brickbats.
His life was one of varied and significant achievements – an advocate at the Scottish bar, a sound if impatient and pugnacious judge of the Court of Session, and a politically active Whig.
The pugnacious , charismatic hectoring figure shown in his full glory on television in recent days also remains a prime candidate to host a similarly hard-hitting political talk show.
The milquetoast types of New Labour never come off well when they try to act like self-styledpugnacious political heavyweights.
He was an outspoken advocate of law reform, a pugnacious critic of established political doctrines like natural law and contractarianism, and the first to produce a utilitarian justification for democracy.
As is well known, the robin is pugnacious , fighting with its own kind and attacking other birds.
What a way to go for the most pugnacious , aggressive Liberal minister I’ve seen in action.
Her other abiding passion came in the form of a pugnacious Labour politician, nicknamed ‘The Butcher’ for his savage attacks on the SNP.
After seven months as a mostly low-profile attorney general, he re-emerged as a pugnacious , crusading politician, fully in keeping with his past as one of the Senate’s most passionately conservative members.
A pugnacious , charismatic figure, the potentially dicey situation he is facing at Rangers is small beer in comparison to the personal trauma he has overcome through sheer force of will.
A catfight breaks out between restless, wilful Miss Braund and her pugnacious chaperone, Mrs Hammond, ending with a slap from the hostess, the hatchet-faced Mrs Rogers.
He had a walking stick and his whole manner was so pugnacious and focused.
They absorbed a lot of pressure, their back four, hard-working and combative in face of opponents who were persistent and pugnacious .
The adult males are extremely pugnacious and fight fiercely with one another.
‘My Times,’ by contrast, is the work of a journalistic fugitive with nothing to lose, a man pugnaciouslydetermined to go down swinging.
But Stacey pugnaciously defends his bandmate.
Its inhabitants are known for their pugnacity , as well as for their tradition of hospitality.
He believes his character transition has been for the best and maintains that he was unable to channel his pugnacity positively, rendering it a hindrance rather than a help.
This is perhaps because they give a kind of vicarious satisfaction to the pugnacity inherent in all of us.
His pugnacity in defense of his liberal instincts is obviously genuine.
There it was: a shiny black, three-ton hulk of metal squatting pugnaciously on the narrow beach road near my parents’ home.
She would bark pugnaciously – a throaty howl almost like a mating cry – whenever she got a hint of their presence, even if they just whispered too loud at the window.
Thus absolute fidelity can develop from affection, but on the other hand, aggressiveness and a tendency to bite can also develop from courage and pugnacity .
Sometimes it brought Republicans into the administration, sometimes it tried to show that it could talk as pugnaciously as the Republicans; neither worked.
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