bersifat memperbaiki
ameliorative, reformatory, reformative
yg memperbaiki
correctional, ameliorative, corrective, meliorative, penitentiary
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Terjemahan dari canine nomina anjing dog, canine, pooch, hound, Canis, despicable fellow taring canine, tusk, tush, canine tooth gigi taring canine, canine tooth, cuspid, fang, dog tooth gigi asu dog tooth, canine, canine tooth, fang, cuspid adjektiva berkenaan dgn anjing canine Definisi canine adjektiva of, relating to, or resembling a dog or dogs. canine distemper …
Terjemahan dari facade nomina muka bangunan facade penglihatan vision, sight, eyesight, view, facade, perception pemandangan view, scenery, sight, landscape, scene, facade depan rumah facade bagian luar outside, exterior, facade, face bagian muka dr suatu gedung facade, face tedeng aling-aling facade Definisi facade nomina the face of a building, especially the principal front that looks onto …
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