Terjemahan dari allusion nomina kiasan metaphor, allusion, allegory, simile, similitude, hint ibarat parable, allusion sindiran satire, insinuation, innuendo, hint, allusion, teasing Definisi allusion nomina an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. an allusion to Shakespeare sinonim: reference to, mention of, suggestion of, hint to, intimation …
Terjemahan dari precise adjektiva tepat right, appropriate, proper, exact, precise, correct persis exact, precise, literal, plumb teliti thorough, careful, conscientious, rigorous, precise, accurate saksama thorough, accurate, precise, painstaking, thoroughgoing, scrupulous pas fit, fitted, exact, precise, true, close-fitting Definisi precise adjektiva marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail. precise directions sinonim: exact, accurate, correct, …
Terjemahan dari snoop verba mengintip peek, peep, snoop, tout, stag, pry mengintai lurk, spy, snoop, stake out, scout, peer ingin tahu urusan orang lain snoop memata-matai look, keek, spy, reconnoitre, reconnoiter, snoop nomina pengintai scout, look-out, spotter, watcher, snooper, snoop pengintip peeper, snooper, keeker, snoop mata-mata scout, stool, stool pigeon, bloodhound, dick, snoop Definisi snoop …
Terjemahan dari impediment nomina halangan obstacle, hitch, obstruction, hindrance, drawback, impediment rintangan obstacle, hurdle, barrier, hindrance, impediment, handicap kesulitan trouble, difficulty, hardship, adversity, distress, impediment kesukaran difficulty, trouble, hardship, distress, adversity, impediment hal bicara gagap impediment kegagapan impediment, stammer cacat dlm bicara speech defect, impediment cacad dlm bicara speech defect, impediment Definisi impediment nomina a …
Terjemahan dari jaunty adjektiva lela jaunty, smart bergaya stylish, stylized, dressy, dashing, jaunty, swanky pandai bergaul jaunty periang jovial, cheery, gay, corky, jaunty, volatile solek spick and span, snappy, buckish, jaunty, smug, spicy Definisi jaunty adjektiva having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner. there was no mistaking that jaunty walk sinonim: cheerful, cheery, …