
Terjemahan dari canine
dog, canine, pooch, hound, Canis, despicable fellow
canine, tusk, tush, canine tooth
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canine, canine tooth, cuspid, fang, dog tooth
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dog tooth, canine, canine tooth, fang, cuspid
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Definisi canine
of, relating to, or resembling a dog or dogs.
canine distemper virus
a pointed tooth between the incisors and premolars of a mammal, often greatly enlarged in carnivores.
Each jaw has four incisors, two canines , and four molars.
  • doglike, doggish, wolfish, wolflike, lupine, foxlike, vulpine
  • dog, wolf, fox
  • dogtooth, canine tooth, eyetooth, eye tooth, cuspid
  • canid
Nearly 80 percent of dogs exposed to the virus contract only a mild form of the disease, which mimics kennel cough – a type of canine bronchitis that is rarely serious.
Normal canine prostate was used as the animal model.
Is a canine version of cognitive behavioural therapy the answer?
Some of the extra curricular activities include search and rescue, first aid for dogs, as well as lectures on wolf behavior, doggie massage, and canine nutrition.
It’s a mongrel canine bred to kill rats and to keep foxes trapped in their lairs until the hounds arrive for the kill.
In science, the best one can do is observe the behavior of dogs in natural and controlled settings, and then, on that basis, make testable inferences about canine cognition.
At the nearby Scott Base, seals are infected with canine distemper, a virus passed to them by researchers’ dogs.
Scientists have completed a rough sketch of the canine genome.
They include dog massage, canine anatomy, behavioural science and dog psychology.
The bands mark several genes that were mapped in both the human and the canine species.
The main cause for the decline of foxes on Santa Catalina Island is the rapid spread of caninedistemper, which is transmitted by dogs.
Hence canine genetic sequences will prove useful for research on, among other things, cancer and autoimmune disorders.
But therein might lie one secret of canine intelligence.
This case illustrates that infection with C canimorsus may be seen after even casual exposure to a petcanine , with ominous results.
Vets are advising owners of unvaccinated puppies in particular to be on their guard for the parvo virus, or canine distemper, which can kill dogs in a matter of days.
Though researchers are busy working on vaccines for plague and canine distemper, such tools are still a long way off.
Shawn went on to say that he always envied the animals of the canine family for having this ability.
The swift fox is a member of the canine family and can be distinguished from other foxes by its small size (the size of a house cat), the black spot on each side of its nose, and its tipped black tail.
A canine team can also examine 400 to 500 packages in about 30 minutes, a fraction of the time a human inspection would consume.
Former banker Neil Kittredge, from Alverstoke, is one of the UK’s new breed of canine behaviour consultants.
More than 100 canine teams are trained each year at the facility.
The rust-colored canine , closely related to the gray wolf, lives in small, social packs that meet three times a day and occupy territories that span just a few miles.
Llamas instinctively guard against canine attacks, possibly because their natural herd instincts have wired them to chase off predators.
To counter the image, advisors suggested he get a canine companion.
Rhoda, a racing greyhound, contracted canine influenza in Florida in 2003.
It will then be compared to small amounts of sequence from 10 to 20 other breeds, including the beagle, to study genetic variation within the canine species.
Initially the animals may appear healthy, but most die within days, he said, often from canine illnesses like parvo, distemper, and giardia.
There’s no need for participating animals to be specially skilled – but if you think you know a caninegenius or feline mastermind, now’s the time to prove it.
On the left side, the sockets from the first and second incisors, the canine , and the two premolars are visible.
Among these gainfully employed canines , there’s a range of occupations, from seeing-eye and guard dogs to sheep herders and hunting dogs.
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canine tooth, canine teeth
Terjemahan dari canine
dog, canine, pooch, hound, Canis, despicable fellow
canine, tusk, tush, canine tooth
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canine, canine tooth, cuspid, fang, dog tooth
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dog tooth, canine, canine tooth, fang, cuspid
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