Terjemahan dari sappy adjektiva berdaya sappy tolol foolish, stupid, fool, silly, idiotic, sappy gila-gilaan foolhardy, foolish, preposterous, rabid, sappy, scatty berair watery, juicy, succulent, fleshy, sappy, sloppy muda young, light, early, junior, pale, sappy penuh daya sappy Definisi sappy adjektiva excessively sentimental; mawkish. What was the deal with the bridge and the cars and the …
Terjemahan dari loft nomina loteng attic, loft, garret, ceiling, floor, story para-para loft, rack kandang cage, pen, shed, stall, stalls, loft serambi tinggi loft Definisi loft nomina a room or space directly under the roof of a house or other building, which may be used for accommodations or storage. Graham spent the bulk of his …
Terjemahan dari delve verba menggali dig, dig up, delve, excavate, probe, extract menyelidiki investigate, explore, probe, delve, inquire, find out mempelajari learn, study, delve, take up, read up, go into menyelami dive into, delve, see through, penetrate, dive for Definisi delve verba reach inside a receptacle and search for something. she delved in her pocket …
Terjemahan dari voluptuary nomina orang yg suka kesenangan badaniah voluptuary Definisi voluptuary adjektiva concerned with luxury and sensual pleasure. a voluptuary decade when high living was in style nomina a person devoted to luxury and sensual pleasure. The novel’s Italians are listless voluptuaries , its Germans are dedicated and earnest, its nuns are whores or …
Terjemahan dari hoodlum nomina penjahat criminal, villain, crook, gangster, felon, hoodlum preman hoodlum buaya darat blackguard, hooligan, con, hood, hoodlum, rocker orang jahat goon, ragamuffin, viper, blackguard, hoodlum, cur Definisi hoodlum nomina a person who engages in crime and violence; a hooligan or gangster. He was a gangster, a hoodlum , a thug: much less …