
Expunge artinya menghapus atau mencoret

They demanded that school officials apologize and expunge the incident from her son’s records.
But the answer to the present imperfections is in part to abolish faith schools in their entirety and expunge religion from schools, except as a topic of study.
the kind of man that could expunge an unsatisfactory incident from his memory
He’s not just trying to remove the Treaty from law, but expunge it from public consciousness altogether.
Also, any ‘questionable language’ in the songs has been expunged .
Nevertheless, there is, I’m sure, a certain catharsis involved in expunging one’s darkest secrets in those sealed little booths.
The incident could be expunged from his records as the words of a mentally unstable girl.
The usual pattern was the one-off benefit to private capital of a state asset on the cheap – with debts being expunged and subsidies being provided.
So the world has been stood on its head, historical memory has been expunged , and rationality and decency have gone into retreat across the continent of Europe.
All references to his drug use have been expunged , and he’s now a dashing old adventurer grieving over his inability to save his son’s life.
Anyway, I’m back on the cam and the imposter has been expunged .
That would help to ensure that only people who truly deserved the expungement of their convictions achieved that.
Thoughts such as those though will be expunged from the memory of the runner when he takes to the grid for this afternoon’s 500-mile race.
For somebody that’s been wrongfully convicted, there should be an automatic expungement on the record, no question about it.
Those in the book can be easily erased while the ones in the heart cannot be expunged , he said.
He is seeking expunction of the remarks made against him by the single judge.
Perhaps there needs to be some kind of commission for truth and reconciliation so the historical crimes perpetrated in its name can be expunged from the record.
This should be entirely expunged from our thinking.
If you want someone’s memory to be expunged from popular consciousness, you shouldn’t go around writing newspaper articles about them.
Funk suggests two reforms to replace expungement : First, nonviolent juvenile offenders should pay restitution to their victims instead of going to juvenile detention centers.
The concept of expungement for its own sake is simply inapplicable to a law on this subject matter.
It now expunges records of a book’s last reader after 30 days.
They were arrested and court-martialed and it wasn’t until many years later that their record was expunged .
Provisionally, they seemed to agree, provided all religious references were expunged from the script.
These individuals see the Intifada as expunging the occupation and arriving finally at independence.
Any application for expungement would be sent to the police, and they would have an opportunity to oppose the application for any of the reasons mentioned in terms of the person’s prior convictions.
Hector had expunged any reference to his health when issuing his blue copy.
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