Capsize artinya terbalik, misalnya seperti perahu yang terbalik di air Contoh Kalimat Untuk Pemahaman : After losing their first race Bristol 1 benefited from a capsize by a London boat in the second race and went on to convincingly win the third to make it into the final. In full view of the finish I …
Terjemahan dari foundry nomina pengecoran casting, foundry, founding, moulding penuangan pouring, casting, foundry Definisi foundry nomina a workshop or factory for casting metal. However, there is more to manufacturing than the industries which once provided the bulk of the jobs in mills, factories and foundries . Sinonim nomina metalworks Contoh Price also operated a foundry …
Insurgent artinya pemberontak atau pengacau Beberapa contoh kalimat : It was not difficult for the local population to differentiate between these constructive efforts and the often brutal, terroristic actions of insurgent forces. In Malaya the British defeated an insurgent communist movement. Taking a page out of the tactics of Anglo-American imperialism in Italy, the Stalinist …
Terjemahan dari exaggerate verba berlebihan exaggerate membesar-besarkan exaggerate, magnify, overcolour, overcolor, romance melebih-lebihkan exaggerate, blow up, overcolour, overcolor, overdo, overstate berlebih-lebihan exaggerate Definisi exaggerate verba represent (something) as being larger, greater, better, or worse than it really is. they were apt to exaggerate any aches and pains sinonim: overstate, overemphasize, overestimate, magnify, amplify, aggrandize, inflate, …
Terjemahan dari evanescent adjektiva cepat berlalu dr ingatan evanescent Definisi evanescent adjektiva soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing. a shimmering evanescent bubble sinonim: vanishing, fading, evaporating, melting away, disappearing, ephemeral, fleeting, short-lived, short-term, transitory, transient, fugitive, temporary Sinonim adjektiva vanishing, fading, evaporating, melting away, disappearing, ephemeral, fleeting, short-lived,short-term, transitory, …