Terjemahan dari slump verba merosot slump, decline, degenerate, sink, slip, dwindle menumpuk pile up, heap, slump, amass, deposit menumpukkan stack, slump, pile up, bank, jam, hoard mengumpulkan collect, gather, raise, put together, accumulate, slump jatuh keras slump duduk sit, sit down, sit up, take a seat, settle, slump bergerak dgn kurang tangkas slummock, slump reda …
Definisi welly nomina power or vigor. I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly Contoh I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly And you know what, he wasn’t that bad, it’s just in this day and age when they’re all using rackets the …
Terjemahan dari righteous adjektiva adil fair, just, equitable, righteous, impartial, impersonal berbudi righteous, courteous, high-toned budiman wise, righteous, sapiential, good, solomonic yg pd tempatnya righteous, felicitous, pointful tdk palsu righteous Definisi righteous adjektiva (of a person or conduct) morally right or justifiable; virtuous. he is a good, righteous man, I am sure sinonim: good, virtuous, …
Terjemahan dari stoic adjektiva sangat tabah stoic, stoical yg pandai menahan nafsunya stoic, stoical nomina orang yg sangat tabah stoic Definisi stoic adjektiva of or belonging to the Stoics or their school of philosophy. I found the juxtaposition naive, given my background in Stoic philosophy of managing the passions in public life. nomina a person …
Terjemahan dari deleterious adjektiva yg merusak baneful, mordant, detrimental, pestilential, deleterious, destructive yg mengganggu irritant, aggravating, irritative, pestilential, importunate, deleterious Definisi deleterious adjektiva causing harm or damage. divorce is assumed to have deleterious effects on children sinonim: harmful, damaging, detrimental, injurious, adverse, disadvantageous, unfavorable, unfortunate, undesirable, bad Sinonim adjektiva harmful, damaging, detrimental, injurious, adverse, disadvantageous, …