Irsome artinya menjemukan, mendongkolkan, menjengkelkan, atau mengganggu Contoh This has the effect of reducing the slightly irksome similarity – in mood, key, pace, instrumentation – of many of the songs on offer. One of the most irksome things that can happen to a mobile phone user is a flat battery, and the charging devices are …
Terjemahan dari grovel verba merendahkan diri descend, grovel, cringe, truckle, abase oneself, demean oneself menghinakan diri grovel menyembah-nyembah grovel nomina penghinaan diri grovel Definisi grovel verba lie or move abjectly on the ground with one’s face downward. she was groveling on the floor in fear sinonim: prostrate oneself, lie, kneel, cringe Sinonim verba prostrate oneself, …
Terjemahan dari vitriolic adjektiva pedas spicy, scathing, hot, pungent, scalding, vitriolic sangat tajam vitriolic Definisi vitriolic adjektiva filled with bitter criticism or malice. vitriolic attacks on the politicians sinonim: acrimonious, rancorous, bitter, caustic, mordant, acerbic, trenchant, virulent, spiteful, savage, venomous, poisonous, malicious, splenetic, nasty, mean, cruel, unkind, harsh, hostile, vindictive, vicious, scathing, barbed, wounding, sharp, …
Terjemahan dari barely adverbia baru saja just, recently, newly, freshly, just now, barely sedikit saja barely hampir tdk hardly, faintly, scant, scantily, scarce, barely baru tadi just, newly, just now, latterly, recently, barely baru-baru ini just, just now, recently, a moment ago, latterly, barely baru-baru saja just, just now, recently, a moment ago, latterly, barely …
Terjemahan dari departure nomina keberangkatan departure, embarkation, sailing, going, outgo, get-away kepergian departure, pullout, journey permulaan kebiasaan departure Definisi departure nomina the action of leaving, typically to start a journey. the day of departure sinonim: leaving, going, leave-taking, withdrawal, exit, egress, retreat Sinonim nomina leaving, going, leave-taking, withdrawal, exit, egress, retreat deviation, divergence, digression, shift, …