Terjemahan dari scorn nomina cemooh scorn, ridicule, derision, insult, waggery, mockery cibiran scorn, contempt penghinaan insult, humiliation, contempt, disdain, affront, scorn caci maki scorn, abuse, invective, obscenities, insult, contumely cerca lambasting, revilement, scorn, invective, snapper, reprimand rasa jijik contempt, revulsion, repulsion, aversion, scunner, scorn kecimus scorn verba memandang rendah look down, despise, scorn, disdain, underrate, …
Terjemahan dari precinct nomina halaman page, yard, leaf, precinct, outdoors, out-of-doors seksi section, precinct, platoon, dissection batasan limitation, restriction, boundary, border, framework, precinct Definisi precinct nomina a district of a city or town as defined for police purposes. Data collection took place in nine police precincts in Baltimore City between January and August 1995. sinonim: …
Terjemahan dari trespass nomina pelanggaran violation, offense, breach, infringement, foul, trespass kesalahan error, mistake, fault, wrong, guilt, trespass dosa sin, guilt, transgression, crime, offense, trespass penyalahgunaan abuse, misuse, misappropriation, misapplication, manipulation, trespass verba masuk tanpa izin trespass melanggar violate, break, infringe, transgress, contravene, trespass bersalah fault, go wrong, be at fault, trespass, offend, make a …
Terjemahan dari bait nomina umpan bait, decoy, fodder, forage, enticement, victim verba memikat lure, attract, entice, enthrall, fascinate, bait mengumpani bait, entice menyerang attack, strike, assault, strike out, assail, bait menyiksa torture, torment, punish, strain, persecute, bait Definisi bait nomina food used to entice fish or other animals as prey. herrings make excellent bait for …
Terjemahan dari ubiquitous adjektiva yg ada di mana-mana everpresent, omnipresent, ubiquitous Definisi ubiquitous adjektiva present, appearing, or found everywhere. his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family sinonim: omnipresent, ever-present, everywhere, all over the place, pervasive, universal, worldwide, global, rife, prevalent, far-reaching, inescapable Sinonim adjektiva omnipresent, ever-present, everywhere, all over the place, pervasive, universal, …