
Terjemahan dari rapacious
greedy, voracious, gourmand, gluttonous, rapacious, vulturine
greedy, rapacious, avaricious, acquisitive
greedy, covetous, grasping, avaricious, rapacious, acquisitive
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Definisi rapacious
aggressively greedy or grasping.
rapacious landlords
sinonim: grasping, greedy, avaricious, acquisitive, covetous, mercenary, materialistic, insatiable, predatory, money-grubbing, grabby
  • grasping, greedy, avaricious, acquisitive, covetous, mercenary, materialistic, insatiable,predatory, money-grubbing, grabby
  • voracious, wolfish, ravenous, esurient, ravening, edacious
  • voracious, ravening
  • predatory, vulturous, vulturine, raptorial, ravening
Lebih sedikit sinonim
The rapacious company bullied and bought its way into poorer countries by making false promises of cheap fuel supplies.
He ignores the fact that workers need the full freedom to organise to defend themselves against therapacious greed of their employers.
It is quite breathtaking to realise quite how rapacious the industry is and how conceited and vapid are its practitioners.
Where this leaves the more rapacious companies remains to be seen.
The John Leslie case exposes the media at its sleaziest and most rapacious .
Janofsky alludes to federally mandated spending and to rapacious tax cutting by the states.
I’ve always thought of Sydney as ravenous, rapacious and ruthless.
But this socialist market is just as rapacious as any other.
He drew the link between control over society’s resources by a small wealthy elite and this rapaciouspolicy.
The problems of corporate governance are about much more than rapacious egotism.
Now there are rapacious landlords getting paid by the city to house homeless families.
While I do not condone some of the more rapacious acts of Australian companies, I am not so sanguine about local small scale operators either.
Even predictable repetitions of the same deception fail to open the eyes of the people to see through the façade of rapacious and false religiosity.
They were revealed instead as rapacious asset-strippers.
Instead of spurning these rapacious advances, local authorities were demanding a permanent share of the profits.
Within them, stories unfold about gangsters, unsuccessful cowboys and rapacious music producers.
When he carried out a train robbery, he claimed he was defending the small farmer against rapaciousrailroad magnates.
From Seattle to Phnom Penh, protesters are fighting the incursion of supposedly rapaciousmultinational corporations.
Our lack of a bill of rights makes it extremely difficult for judges to protect our freedoms from arapacious government intent on destroying them.
The economy is collapsing, because of international policies, which are rapacious and stupid.
His narrative is one of unmitigated Spanish rapaciousness and violence and Indian innocence and moral purity.
Both stories exemplify the rapaciousness that is the norm in our money-obsessed culture.
It’s precisely that rapacity , that appetite, that makes them who they are, that allows them to recognize themselves.
It is not an effective instrument for protecting our people from the greed and rapacity of outsiders.
In our modern era, rapaciously expanding industry and a growing population continue to threaten the world’s delicate ecological balance, proof of a relationship out of kilter with nature and the elements.
No situation, however obscure, or however sacred, escaped the rapacity of the enemy.
He seemed to have gained a greater self-confidence from the incredible and unexpected success of his book and he capitalized on it rapaciously .
Unless there is some liability cap on the rapaciousness of these individuals, the drug companies cannot prudently go forward.
So you’d think it would be sheltered from their rapaciousness .
Are the legends of their rapaciousness quite fair?
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