(adj.) logically consistent, intelligible (William could not figure out what Harold had seen because he was too distraught to deliver a coherent statement.) Terjemahan dari coherent adjektiva koheren coherent jelas clear, obvious, evident, plain, vivid, coherent terang bright, light, clear, candid, luminous, coherent masuk akal reasonable, plausible, rational, sound, coherent, reasoned bertalian secara logis coherent …
Terjemahan dari adversity nomina kesulitan trouble, difficulty, hardship, adversity, distress, impediment kesukaran difficulty, trouble, hardship, distress, adversity, impediment kesengsaraan misery, woes, suffering, tribulation, adversity, hardship kemalangan misfortune, adversity, disaster, rigors, bad luck, affliction Definisi adversity nomina difficulties; misfortune. resilience in the face of adversity sinonim: misfortune, ill luck, bad luck, trouble, difficulty, hardship, distress, disaster, …
Terjemahan dari malady nomina penyakit disease, illness, sickness, ailment, ill, malady Definisi malady nomina a disease or ailment. an incurable malady sinonim: illness, sickness, disease, infection, ailment, disorder, complaint, indisposition, affliction, infirmity, syndrome, bug, virus Sinonim nomina illness, sickness, disease, infection, ailment, disorder, complaint, indisposition, affliction,infirmity, syndrome, bug, virus illness, unwellness, sickness Contoh Maybe mad …
Terjemahan dari champaign nomina padang field, champaign adjektiva datar dan terbuka champaign Definisi Champaign nomina open level countryside. nomina a city in east central Illinois, home to the University of Illinois; population 79,389 (est. 2008). Sinonim champaign nomina plain, field Lihat juga champaign Comments comments
Terjemahan dari raft nomina rakit raft jumlah besar sekali oodles, raft verba membuat rakit raft mengangkut dgn rakit raft Definisi raft nomina a flat buoyant structure of timber or other materials fastened together, used as a boat or floating platform. As kids, we were always on the water in canoes or rowboats or homemade rafts …