Terjemahan dari sentient nomina kesadaran awareness, consciousness, realization, conscious, awakening, sentient mahluk berakal sentient mahluk yg dpt merasa sentient adjektiva yg dpt merasa sensate, sentient yg dpt melihat sentient Definisi sentient adjektiva able to perceive or feel things. she had been instructed from birth in the equality of all sentient life forms sinonim: (capable of) …
Terjemahan dari sloppy adjektiva ceroboh careless, sloppy, bungling, wanton, improper, slovenly lemah weak, poor, faint, feeble, frail, sloppy berlumpur muddy, sloppy, slimy, squashy, sludgy, turbid jorok dirty, slovenly, squalid, shabby, grubby, sloppy cengeng maudlin, mushy, sloppy, fractious, mawkish basah wet, damp, soggy, moist, fresh, sloppy berair watery, juicy, succulent, fleshy, sappy, sloppy becak sloppy, muddy, …
Terjemahan dari adherent nomina penganut adherent, follower, disciple pengikut follower, disciple, vassal, adherent, cohort, henchman penyokong support, advocate, proponent, supporter, backer, adherent ekor tail, head, aftermath, suite, follower, adherent Definisi adherent nomina someone who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas. he was a strong adherent of monetarism adjektiva sticking fast to an …
Terjemahan dari belligerent adjektiva yg suka berkelahi bellicose, belligerent, pugnacious, quarrelsome, scrappy yg suka berperang bellicose, belligerent nomina negara yg berperang belligerent Definisi belligerent adjektiva hostile and aggressive. a bull-necked, belligerent old man sinonim: hostile, aggressive, threatening, antagonistic, warlike, warmongering, hawkish, pugnacious, bellicose, truculent, confrontational, contentious, militant, combative, spoiling for a fight, trigger-happy, scrappy nomina …
Terjemahan dari belittle verba meremehkan underestimate, belittle, disparage, disdain, look down, underrate mengabaikan ignore, overlook, neglect, disregard, omit, belittle menganggap kecil belittle memperkecil minimize, reduce, lessen, narrow, dampen, belittle memperhina humiliate, insult, despise, belittle, disparage memperhinakan humiliate, insult, despise, belittle, disparage Definisi belittle verba make (someone or something) seem unimportant. this is not to belittle …