Terjemahan dari hunch nomina firasat hunch, feeling, premonition, inkling, foreboding, presentiment dugaan guess, notion, allegation, conjecture, presumption, hunch anggapan assumption, presumption, opinion, contention, belief, hunch prasangka prejudice, bias, presupposition, preconception, prejudgment, hunch bungkuk stoop, hunch, gibbosity irisan tebal hunch potongan yg tebal hunch Definisi hunch nomina a feeling or guess based on intuition rather than …
Terjemahan dari tenement nomina rumah petak tenement tanah sewa tenement Definisi tenement nomina a room or a set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block of apartments. The flat was part of a refurbished block of tenements that belonged to a housing co-operative. a piece of land held by an owner. …
Terjemahan dari heritage nomina warisan heritage, legacy, inheritance, patrimony, bequest, heirdom peninggalan heritage, legacy, remains, holdover, residual, monument pusaka heritage, heirloom, relic, bequest, heirdom Definisi heritage nomina property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance. For the pluralistic West, universal access to heritage is an individual right. sinonim: inheritance, birthright, patrimony, legacy, bequest a …
To be courageous or stoic in the face of adversity. Even though he was only three years old, Jonathan keep a stiff upper lip the whole time he was in the hospital recovering from his surgery. Comments comments
Terjemahan dari legion nomina legiun legion, association legion legion, association pasukan troops, force, squad, column, brigade, legion banyaknya many, much, amount, lot, multitude, legion Definisi legion nomina a unit of 3,000–6,000 men in the ancient Roman army. The most important fighting unit of the Roman Army was the legion commanded by a legatus. sinonim: brigade, …