gandum terendam air
barley is grown for malting
- malted milk, malted
- malt liquor
gandum terendam air
barley is grown for malting
Lenient artinya lunak, sabar, toleran, lemah lembut Contoh Kalimat : Engineering sector lawmaker Raymond Ho said the punishment meted out was too lenient . Dance companies are more lenient about tattoos than you might expect, and certainly more so than they once were. A journalist in Melbourne wrote a column suggesting that a local magistrate …
Terjemahan dari affluent adjektiva makmur prosperous, affluent, opulent, palmy, luxurious, well-heeled kaya rich, wealthy, affluent, well, prosperous, loaded limpah affluent, abundant, overflow, prodigal berlimpah-limpah abundant, plenteous, plentiful, lavish, affluent, copious subur fertile, lush, rich, fruitful, flourishing, affluent yg berlebihan superfluous, supererogatory, hyperbolical, copious, pleonastic, affluent yg berlebih-lebihan copious, profuse, affluent, surplus, redundant, superfluous nomina anak …
Terjemahan dari inane adjektiva bodoh stupid, foolish, fool, dumb, ignorant, inane tolol foolish, stupid, fool, silly, idiotic, inane kurang bijaksana undiplomatic, maladroit, crackbrained, inane, ill-judged kosong empty, blank, vacant, free, bare, inane tak berarti meaningless, insignificant, negligible, pointless, inconsiderable, inane Definisi inane adjektiva silly; stupid. don’t constantly badger people with inane questions sinonim: silly, foolish, …
Terjemahan dari newsworthy adjektiva yg patut dijadikan berita newsworthy Definisi newsworthy adjektiva noteworthy as news; topical. you had to cover a lot of ground to find anything newsworthy sinonim: interesting, topical, notable, noteworthy, important, significant, momentous, historic, remarkable, sensational, unprecedented, groundbreaking, bloggable Sinonim adjektiva interesting, topical, notable, noteworthy, important, significant, momentous, historic,remarkable, sensational, unprecedented, groundbreaking, …
Definisi quarterback nomina a player positioned behind the center who directs a team’s offensive play. Rookie quarterbacks deal with offensive playbooks that dwarf the ones they studied in college. verba play as a quarterback for (a particular team). He quarterbacked the football team to a league title. Contoh Quite often, everyone is acting independently, with …