Terjemahan dari lunatic adjektiva gila crazy, mad, insane, nuts, lunatic, crazed nomina orang gila crazy, madman, lunatic, psycho, maniac, nut Definisi lunatic adjektiva mentally ill (not in technical use). Do you remember that one episode of X-Files with that crazed lunatic writer who was in love with Scully? nomina a mentally ill person (not in …
Terjemahan dari dubious adjektiva yg diragukan dubious, questionable, equivocal, ambiguous, clouded, fishy yg dpt disangsikan disputable, dubious yg kurang dpt dipercaya dubious ragu-ragu undecided, uncertain, indecisive, irresolute, hesitant, dubious Definisi dubious adjektiva hesitating or doubting. Alex looked dubious, but complied sinonim: doubtful, uncertain, unsure, hesitant, undecided, indefinite, unresolved, up in the air, vacillating, irresolute, skeptical, …
Terjemahan dari furtive adjektiva sembunyi secret, stealthy, concealed, furtive Definisi furtive adjektiva attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive. they spent a furtive day together sinonim: secretive, secret, surreptitious, clandestine, hidden, covert, conspiratorial, cloak-and-dagger, backroom, backstairs, sly, sneaky, under-the-table, sidelong, sideways, oblique, …
Terjemahan dari ascetic nomina pertapa ascetic, hermit, recluse, solitary, solitaire, retreatant adjektiva yg bersifat pertapa ascetic Definisi ascetic adjektiva characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons. an ascetic life of prayer, fasting, and manual labor sinonim: austere, self-denying, abstinent, abstemious, self-disciplined, self-abnegating, …
Terjemahan dari interminable adjektiva tak berkesudahan interminable yg tak berakhir interminable tak henti-hentinya unceasing, ceaseless, incessant, continuous, perpetual, interminable terus-menerus perpetual, chronic, continual, continued, continuing, interminable terus-terusan continual, continued, continuing, eternal, constant, interminable Definisi interminable adjektiva endless (often used hyperbolically). we got bogged down in interminable discussions sinonim: (seemingly) endless, never-ending, unending, nonstop, everlasting, ceaseless, …