wilayah hukum
kekuasaan hukum
hal mengadili
federal courts had no jurisdiction over the case
wilayah hukum
kekuasaan hukum
hal mengadili
federal courts had no jurisdiction over the case
Terjemahan dari flimsy adjektiva tipis thin, slim, flimsy, sheer, light, slight rapuh fragile, brittle, frail, crumbly, weak, flimsy lemah weak, poor, faint, feeble, frail, flimsy sangat halus ethereal, exquisite, flimsy yg bukan-bukan nonsensical, faddish, faddy, flimsy, nugatory, madcap nomina kertas tipis flimsy kawat wire, cable, cord, line, strand, flimsy telegram telegram, telegraph, wire, cablegram, flimsy …
1) A story of Greek legend, in which tyrant Dionysius II of Syracuse showed Damocles the dangers of being “fortunate” by allowing him to sit in his throne while a sword hung over him held only by a singe strand of hair. 2) An ever-present threat that can destroy one’s good fortunes at any moment. …
Terjemahan dari pique nomina kekesalan pique, vexation, dejection, exacerbation, regret, sickener kejengkelan aggravation, annoyance, irritation, indignation, exasperation, pique perasaan tersinggung displeasure, huff, pique kain pike pique verba menyinggung offend, mention, allude, touch, pertain, pique melukai hati hurt, offend, gall, nettle, pique, wrong menyinggung perasaan offend, pique, wound, mortify menjengkelkan annoy, irritate, irk, spite, exasperate, pique …
Terjemahan dari feint verba membohong feint, tell a lie, put across, tell a story, fable, fib membuat gerakan pura-pura feint nomina kepura-puraan dissemblance, feint, malingering, affectation, dissimulation, hypocrisy pukulan pura-pura feint Definisi feint nomina a deceptive or pretended blow, thrust, or other movement, especially in boxing or fencing. a brief feint at the opponent’s face …
Terjemahan dari diminutive adjektiva kecil small, little, minor, young, slight, diminutive yg mengecilkan artinya diminutive, diminutival nomina kata pengecil diminutive Definisi diminutive adjektiva extremely or unusually small. a diminutive figure dressed in black sinonim: tiny, small, little, petite, elfin, minute, miniature, mini, minuscule, compact, pocket, toy, midget, undersized, short, teeny, weeny, teeny-weeny, teensy-weensy, itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy, …