Definisi Podunk nomina a hypothetical small town regarded as typically dull or insignificant. she lived in a Podunk town notable for nothing except the girls’ school where she taught art Lihat juga podunk Comments comments
Terjemahan dari occult adjektiva gaib supernatural, occult, magical, magic, invisible, mysterious tersembunyi hidden, secret, ulterior, covert, latent, occult rahasia secret, confidential, classified, clandestine, undercover, occult Definisi occult adjektiva of, involving, or relating to supernatural, mystical, or magical powers or phenomena. a follower of occult practices similar to voodoo sinonim: supernatural, magic, magical, mystical, mystic, psychic, …
Terjemahan dari fearless adjektiva tak kenal takut fearless, undaunted tdk takut fearless, undaunted, dauntless yg tdk gentar fearless, unperturbed Definisi fearless adjektiva lacking fear. a fearless defender of freedom sinonim: bold, brave, courageous, intrepid, valiant, valorous, gallant, plucky, lionhearted, heroic, daring, audacious, indomitable, doughty, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, gutsy, gutty, spunky, ballsy, feisty, skookum Sinonim adjektiva …
Terjemahan dari ubiquitous adjektiva yg ada di mana-mana everpresent, omnipresent, ubiquitous Definisi ubiquitous adjektiva present, appearing, or found everywhere. his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family sinonim: omnipresent, ever-present, everywhere, all over the place, pervasive, universal, worldwide, global, rife, prevalent, far-reaching, inescapable Sinonim adjektiva omnipresent, ever-present, everywhere, all over the place, pervasive, universal, …
Terjemahan dari wayward adjektiva bertingkah crotchety, wayward, whimsical, difficile, fanciful, finical tdk patuh insubordinate, disloyal, indocile, recalcitrant, wayward yg suka melawan rebel, insubordinate, rebellious, perverse, wayward, recalcitrant Definisi wayward adjektiva difficult to control or predict because of unusual or perverse behavior. her wayward, difficult sister sinonim: willful, headstrong, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, perverse, contrary, disobedient, …