
Terjemahan dari inundate
flood, overwhelm, inundate, overrun, swamp, deluge
membasah kuyupi
moisten, damp, soak, inundate
Definisi inundate
overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with.
we’ve been inundated with complaints from listeners
sinonim: overwhelm, overrun, overload, bog down, swamp, besiege, snow under, bombard, glut
the islands may be the first to be inundated as sea levels rise
sinonim: flood, deluge, overrun, swamp, drown, submerge, engulf
flood, overwhelm, deluge
17 sinonim lain
The building of the canal is expected to control the annual floods that inundate many parts of the capital, causing much loss of life and property.
When the precipitation rate increases in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, floods inundate southern China and Bangladesh and drought hits some of the remotest Indian villages.
This is particularly important in low-lying countries such as Bangladesh, where a one-metre rise in sea level would inundate half of the country’s rice land with saltwater.
Most flood-control projects involve widening, deepening and straightening channels so they can hold a larger volume of water before they can inundate adjacent flood plains.
The majority of the rivers overflow and inundate roads and houses.
Four more people drowned in eastern India on Wednesday and an overflowing river threatened toinundate low-lying areas around Patna, the populous capital city of Bihar state, relief officials said yesterday.
Flash floods, of the kind which suddenly and without warning inundate a whole town under many feet of swirling water, only occur in mountainous areas or where dams break creating a tidal wave.
This site could more effectively control floods and would not inundate park land.
In successful nesting seasons, when floods did not inundate the nesting ground and predation was not severe, many young titanosaurs would survive.
At least 50 dead as floods inundate much of Jakarta
As Digital Media Manager I am inundated with press releases everyday proclaiming that this or that website is the next big thing.
In our society we are inundated with images of beautiful people endorsing beauty products.
In a world where people are inundated with information from the media this seems naive.
When the residents of Milnrow and Newhey heard he was finishing, he was inundated with cards and gifts from well-wishers.
During the nail biting night, he was inundated with a staggering 140 text messages from well wishers.
We were inundated with responses, and judges had a tough decision whittling down the entries to a short-list of five.
Instead, I am consistently inundated with requests to return with cartons of Canadian cigarettes.
Since the newspaper staff is inundated with these letters everyday, they have no choice but to publish at least some of them.
More than a dozen people died in Texas in early June after flood waters inundated the state.
We are inundated with emails and phone calls asking us why we didn’t confirm Tung’s resignation earlier?
Gail faxes to say she is inundated with phone calls and people in the street passing on their support.
Here in Naples, Hurricane Wilma caused flooding, including inundating a parking garage.
The area was badly damaged in 1996 by a flood of the muddy Liu River that inundated four-fifths of the city.
The Ings, one of the flood defences for York, is inundated , and farmer Chris Kirby woke this morning to find his farm submerged.
We were inundated with requests from people to help them find their transport.
We were inundated with entries and several lucky readers won a free test, which normally costs £245.
You may be surprised to learn that we are not inundated with complaints from people living in the surrounding area there is no trouble.
Tall and blonde, she was instantly inundated with responses.
Soon, Elizabeth was inundated with requests and decided to throw herself into a new business opportunity.
It was 1956 and the Murray had burst its banks in the great floods of that year, inundating the main street and its surrounds, devastating buildings and cutting people off from facilities like electricity.
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