Insurgent artinya pemberontak atau pengacau Beberapa contoh kalimat : It was not difficult for the local population to differentiate between these constructive efforts and the often brutal, terroristic actions of insurgent forces. In Malaya the British defeated an insurgent communist movement. Taking a page out of the tactics of Anglo-American imperialism in Italy, the Stalinist …
Terjemahan dari tinge nomina semburat tinge nada tone, note, pitch, vein, tinge, ring warna sedikit tinge cat paint, tincture, tint, tinge verba mewarnai sedikit tinge mencat sedikit tinge memberi nada pd tinge Definisi tinge nomina a tendency toward or trace of some color. there was a faint pink tinge to the sky sinonim: tint, color, …
Terjemahan dari profligate adjektiva boros extravagant, profligate, lavish, spendthrift, prodigal, profuse jangak libertine, profligate, dissolute, licentious cabul lewd, raunchy, salacious, prurient, dirty, profligate nomina pemboros spender, waster, spendthrift, wastrel, prodigal, profligate orang cendala profligate si cabul roue, profligate, reprobate, satyr, slattern orang jangak lecher, libertine, profligate Definisi profligate adjektiva recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the …
Terjemahan dari blunt adjektiva tumpul blunt, dull, obtuse, torpid, slow-witted puntul dull, blunt majal dull, blunt bodoh stupid, foolish, fool, dumb, ignorant, blunt guntung smooth, flat, blunt, level, short puntung crippled, mutilated, blunt amat kasar blunt kurang sopan irreverent, mannerless, impertinent, pert, offhanded, blunt amat dungu blunt blak-blakan blunt, outspoken, free-spoken, forthright tanpa basa-basi bluff, …
Terjemahan dari pounding nomina ketukan knock, beat, knocking, tap, pounding, rap entakan pounding, stamping getok pounding ketokan knocking, knock, pounding, cluck, tattoo, rataplan debur swash, pounding, splash, plump Definisi pound nomina repeated and heavy striking or hitting of someone or something. the pounding of the surf on a sandy beach verba strike or hit heavily …