Terjemahan dari ulterior adjektiva tersembunyi hidden, secret, ulterior, covert, latent, occult yg disembunyikan recondite, ulterior, covered Definisi ulterior adjektiva existing beyond what is obvious or admitted; intentionally hidden. could there be an ulterior motive behind his request? sinonim: underlying, undisclosed, undivulged, concealed, hidden, covert, secret, personal, private, selfish Sinonim adjektiva underlying, undisclosed, undivulged, concealed, hidden, …
Terjemahan dari chummy adjektiva akrab familiar, intimate, close, chummy, great, fast karib intimate, chummy, fast Definisi chummy adjektiva on friendly terms; friendly. she’s become pretty chummy with Ted lately sinonim: friendly, on good terms, close, familiar, intimate, buddy-buddy, thick, palsy-walsy Sinonim adjektiva friendly, on good terms, close, familiar, intimate, buddy-buddy, thick, palsy-walsy buddy-buddy, thick pally, …
Terjemahan dari resent verba benci hate, loathe, dislike, resent, detest, abhor marah get angry, be angry, get mad, be mad, resent, blow up merasa tersinggung resent, take umbrage, take exception to, huff, nurse a grievance menyebalkan resent, cause resentment merasa sakit hati resent, huff, take exception, nurse a grievance Definisi resend verba feel bitterness or …
Terjemahan dari entrance nomina pintu masuk entrance, gateway, gate jalan masuk entrance, access, entryway, inlet, ingoing, ingress masuk entry, entrance, inlet penerimaan reception, acceptance, receipt, admission, enrollment, entrance hal masuk entrance verba mempesona dazzle, enchant, fascinate, charm, mesmerize, entrance memikat lure, attract, entice, enthrall, fascinate, entrance mempesonakan dazzle, magnetize, mesmerize, glamor, charm, entrance Definisi entrance …
Terjemahan dari ultimate adjektiva terakhir last, final, latter, latest, ultimate, ending penghabisan final, ultimate, last pokok principal, main, staple, key, central, ultimate asal native, ultimate, germinal, parental Definisi ultimate adjektiva being or happening at the end of a process; final. their ultimate aim was to force his resignation sinonim: eventual, final, concluding, terminal, end, resulting, …