
Terjemahan dari profligate
extravagant, profligate, lavish, spendthrift, prodigal, profuse
libertine, profligate, dissolute, licentious
lewd, raunchy, salacious, prurient, dirty, profligate
spender, waster, spendthrift, wastrel, prodigal, profligate
orang cendala
si cabul
roue, profligate, reprobate, satyr, slattern
orang jangak
lecher, libertine, profligate
Definisi profligate
recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources.
profligate consumers of energy
sinonim: wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift, improvident, prodigal
a licentious, dissolute person.
It was believed Germans were afraid of pooling their successful monetary sovereignty with putative profligates such as, perhaps, Italy.
sinonim: libertine, debauchee, degenerate, dissolute, roué, rake, sybarite, voluptuary
  • wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift, improvident, prodigal
  • dissolute, degenerate, dissipated, debauched, corrupt, depraved, promiscuous, loose, wanton,licentious, libertine, decadent, abandoned, fast, sybaritic, voluptuary
  • prodigal, spendthrift, extravagant
  • dissipated, degenerate, dissolute, fast, riotous, degraded, libertine, debauched
  • libertine, debauchee, degenerate, dissolute, roué, rake, sybarite, voluptuary
  • prodigal, squanderer
  • rake, roue, blood, rip, rakehell
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Global warming and its consequences are almost certainly the result of our profligate fossil-fuel consumption, and it is already happening.
A sadly appropriate analogy would be the profligate and highly overindebted consumer who has finally reached the end of his rope.
Why, runs the argument, should these countries deny themselves electricity, heat and transport simply to support the profligate consumption of rich Europeans, Australians and Americans?
The recent support for the party of Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands has failed to quell the spirit ofprofligate immorality endemic to that country.
Korea, he says, must tackle the environmental crisis brought on by its profligate consumption of fossil fuels.
Manifestly, America’s bubble economy of the late 1990s had its center in the most profligateconsumer borrowing and spending binge in history.
We owe it to our children and our children’s children and to those in developing countries disadvantaged today by our profligate and extravagant Western lifestyles to be more environmentally responsible.
The range of responsibilities and duties of the genteel woman revealed by these documents challenges the notion of the frivolous or profligate female consumer portrayed in history.
This rough-around-the-edges high school dropout’s profligate ways led to personal bankruptcy and, ultimately, some very dubious dealings with shady characters.
Some of these disasters, such as climate change, are the direct result of our profligate use of cheap energy.
Would the relevant ancestors have been thrifty ants, squirrels and bees rather than the profligategrasshoppers and elephant seals appealed to here?
It is interesting to observe that so many of the best examples are almost entirely glazed – the all-glass facade, once regarded as synonymous with the profligate use of energy, is now seen as the best hope.
Unfortunately, the extent of the downswing will be proportional to boom-time excesses, and theprofligate consumer sector will be forced to retrench.
Why are the statistics about education debt, house prices, high rents and job insecurity left out of the picture, while the armchair-theories about profligate hedonists get so much airplay?
In Northern Europe, they’ll deny you a discharge if they think you ran up the original debt in a profligateor immoral fashion.
How, in all good conscience, do we say ‘no’ to climate change refugees who point at our profligate use of energy that contributed to their plight?
The combined loss of possession and position is profligate to the point of wasteful.
Those with the wealth to engage in profligate energy consumption contribute to the storms that kill and displace hundreds of thousands of people living on coastal lowlands in Bangladesh and elsewhere.
By so doing, these programs both protect the profligate against the effects of their myopia and insure that everyone contributes to helping such persons.
Though initially aimed at profligate Italy, the actual culprits were Germany and France, which have been running big deficits over the last three years as their economies flirted with recession.
Dismissing conservation as a low priority is dangerous in that it will encourage a profligate use of natural resources and a lack of concern about the current human destruction of the Earth.
However, they are also getting cheap household and other labor, plus an excuse to avoid cutting back on profligate consumption and waste.
Should not those on the same income who can live more frugally pay less tax than the profligate ?
It is the profligate consumer who has kept the economy afloat since 2000.
Moreover, it is axiomatic that debt forgiveness rewards profligacy .
When others consume profligately , it can actually harm society.
The first moment of wanton profligacy came in the 51st minute.
That impression was confirmed throughout a second half in which his side displayed a profligacy that doesn’t sit well with their status as championship contenders.
Sweden have not forsaken their past quite so profligately .
Of course, such profligacy amidst narrow defeat only serves to underline the qualities that set Woods apart from his competition, especially here at St Andrews.
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