Terjemahan dari coxcombical adjektiva pesolek trig, foppish, nifty, dandified, nobby, coxcombical puas akan diri sendiri smug, coxcombical, complacent, self-complacent, self-contented, self-righteous Comments comments
Terjemahan dari mangle verba mengoyakkan mangle, rip, tear, rend, rip up, dismember menyeterika iron, mangle, press, flatiron, smooth, smash merusak ruin, spoil, undermine, harm, impair, mangle memotong-motong cut to pieces, mince, cut up, carve, mangle, chip merobek-robek frazzle, tear up, mangle mengoyak-ngoyakkan pick to pieces, ribbon, dismember, mammock, rend, mangle nomina alat pelicin pakaian mangle …
Terjemahan dari commiserate verba menaruh simpati commiserate menunjukkan rasa simpati commiserate menunjukkan belas kasihan commiserate turut berduka cita commiserate Definisi commiserate verba express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize. she went over to commiserate with Rose on her unfortunate circumstances sinonim: offer sympathy to, be sympathetic to, offer condolences to, condole with, sympathize with, empathize …
Terjemahan dari fluffy adjektiva halus smooth, fine, subtle, delicate, refined, fluffy berbulu halus downy, fluffy, fuzzy agak mabuk tipsy, beery, fluffy, mellow, sprung, capernoited Definisi fluffy adjektiva of, like, or covered with fluff. fluffy white clouds sinonim: fleecy, woolly, fuzzy, hairy, feathery, downy, furry, soft lacking substance, depth, or seriousness. the commercial wallows in soft, …
Terjemahan dari nebulous adjektiva samar vague, cryptic, dim, disguised, hazy, nebulous kabur vague, fuzzy, hazy, obscure, fading, nebulous samar-samar equivocal, dim, vague, hazy, nebulous, uncertain remang ghostly, poor, nebulous, feeble, obscure tdk jelas inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, hazy, nebulous Definisi nebulous adjektiva in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy. a giant nebulous glow …