
Terjemahan dari intervene
campur tangan
intervene, tig
turut campur
intervene, interfere, meddle, tamper
prevent, hinder, deter, preclude, impede, intervene
hinder, block, impede, obstruct, thwart, intervene
terjadi sementara
intercede, intervene
berada di antara
datang di tengah-tengah
Definisi intervene
come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events.
he acted outside his authority when he intervened in the dispute
sinonim: intercede, involve oneself, get involved, interpose oneself, step in, mediate, referee, interfere, intrude, meddle, interrupt
occur in time between events.
to occupy the intervening months, she took a job in a hospital
  • occur, happen, take place, arise, crop up, come about, come to pass, befall, betide
  • intercede, involve oneself, get involved, interpose oneself, step in, mediate, referee, interfere,intrude, meddle, interrupt
  • step in, interpose, interfere
Lebih sedikit sinonim
If decisions are taken which are inconsistent with or disregard those terms the courts can intervene and require the decisions to be taken again in very much the same way as they intervene on judicial review.
The legislation could have given a right of appeal to the objectors in the same way as it is given to applicants but this it has not done and they are dependent on the limited powers of this court tointervene by way of judicial review.
It is not easy for third parties to intervene in bilateral contentious litigation.
They are aristocrats whose privileges are exercised in secret, and only for a short space of time, before pregnancy or addiction or disaster intervene and they become like their mothers.
When a lead character is put in real jeopardy, there can be no question that some circumstance willintervene and preserve the order of right and wrong.
Under Labour’s bill, consideration of development plans would be suspended after local electionsintervene , so incoming members would have time to consider the plan.
Synchronistic events frequently intervene to warn us if we are on the wrong path.
After that, the general accepted wisdom is perhaps that the election will intervene , and then so most likely a rate rise around about November, and possibly another one in December.
Then the Justice Department decides whether to intervene and litigate the suit for itself.
Known paedophiles as well as those wrongly suspected of the crime have been attacked, culminating in an assault in Hampshire which could have spun out of control had the police not intervened in force.
A watershed was reached when NATO forces intervened in Kosovo in 1999.
In the 15 intervening years, what has changed in Bradford?
Later, when this image recurs, the papers have been invested with new meaning by interveningevents.
Those who became more fit during those intervening years reduced their risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome by 50 percent.
Culture-specific intervention strategies are needed that reflect subjective cultural characteristics and group expectations; involve culturally competent intervenors ; and have a culturally relevant theoretical framework.
For example, in 1845, as in 1806-07, British forces intervened in the River Plate.
A spokesman for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister also denied the Government had intervenedin the talks.
Our destination is at 900 ft which doesn’t sound much of a climb, but there are two intervening valleys, both very much worth the effort.
He was able to attend a press conference in Ottawa shortly after the decision was handed down only because the Native Women’s Association of Canada, an intervenor in his case, paid his way to the nation’s capital.
The present study focuses on how a surprising event intervening between prime and probe can affect negative priming.
Lunch intervened , and a good long Sunday afternoon nap, and by the early evening I was ready to transfer the thing to the computer.
After all, French governments of the Right have frequently intervened in their former colonies in Africa.
Sadly, tragedy intervenes in the form of the bitterly jealous Richard, whose fateful confrontation with Frank triggers a devastating string of events that forever changes the lives of all involved.
The first sample is collected at generation and the last sample at generation T. Any samples drawn atintervening generations may be evenly or irregularly spaced in time.
It would likewise be odd that, in the 11 intervening years, he would have been totally oblivious to the drink’s inclusion in cookbooks and on menus.
In intervening years, seed crops were dramatically less.
This is the point where the programme intervened .
He remembers how the Rapid Action Force intervened in time to scatter the mob and help him live to tell the tale.
In assessing a humanitarian intervention, a third point of controversy involves the question of how much we should care about the motives of the intervener .
In the intervening years, May Day has become ensconced in international workers’ movements.
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Terjemahan dari intervene
campur tangan
intervene, tig
turut campur
intervene, interfere, meddle, tamper
prevent, hinder, deter, preclude, impede, intervene
hinder, block, impede, obstruct, thwart, intervene
terjadi sementara
intercede, intervene
berada di antara
datang di tengah-tengah
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