Terjemahan dari equivocal adjektiva samar vague, cryptic, dim, disguised, hazy, equivocal taksa equivocal samar-samar equivocal, dim, vague, hazy, nebulous, uncertain kurang tegas equivocal yg mempunyai dua arti equivocal yg diragukan dubious, questionable, equivocal, ambiguous, clouded, fishy Definisi equivocal adjektiva open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous. the equivocal nature of her remarks sinonim: ambiguous, indefinite, …
Terjemahan dari mush nomina bubur porridge, pulp, mush, gruel, puree, spoon food omongan yg tolol drivel, mush Definisi mush nomina a soft, wet, pulpy mass. red lentils cook quickly and soon turn to mush sinonim: pap, pulp, slop, paste, purée, mash, porridge, gloop, goo, gook, glop, sludge, guck feeble or cloying sentimentality. the film’s not …
be fully acquaintance with procedure Comments comments
Terjemahan dari opulent adjektiva mewah luxurious, plush, posh, sumptuous, lavish, opulent kaya rich, wealthy, affluent, well, prosperous, opulent makmur prosperous, affluent, opulent, palmy, luxurious, well-heeled berlimpah-limpah abundant, plenteous, plentiful, lavish, affluent, opulent Definisi opulent adjektiva ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish. the opulent comfort of a limousine sinonim: luxurious, sumptuous, palatial, lavish, lavishly appointed, rich, …
Terjemahan dari belated adjektiva terlambat late, overdue, delayed, belated, tardy, dilatory Definisi belated adjektiva coming or happening later than should have been the case. a belated apology sinonim: late, overdue, behindhand, behind time, behind schedule, delayed, tardy, unpunctual Sinonim adjektiva late, overdue, behindhand, behind time, behind schedule, delayed, tardy, unpunctual late, tardy Contoh Wishing you …