Terjemahan dari frazzle nomina keletihan fatigue, exhaustion, weariness, lassitude, extenuation, frazzle kelelahan fatigue, exhaustion, weariness, maceration, frazzle, extenuation verba merobek-robek frazzle, tear up, mangle Definisi frazzle verba cause to feel completely exhausted; wear out. a frazzled parent nomina the state of being completely exhausted or worn out. I’m tired, worn to a frazzle Sinonim verba …
Terjemahan dari mortify verba membuat malu put to shame, mortify menyinggung perasaan offend, pique, wound, mortify menghina insult, humiliate, offend, disdain, affront, mortify memalukan shame, disgrace, embarrass, be ashamed, dishonor, mortify menyinggung offend, mention, allude, touch, pertain, mortify kena kelemayuh mortify menjadi busuk decay, go bad, become defective, canker, taint, mortify Definisi mortify verba cause …
Terjemahan dari blade nomina bilah blade, strip, lath, chip sudu blade, spoon, goose beak pedang sword, blade, saber, slasher, glaive, steel mata pisau blade, edge helai strand, blade, sheet daun leaf, blade, mulch, playing card pisau cukur razor, blade, straight razor helaian strand, blade, sheet jagoan whiz, champion, master, blade, swashbuckler, ace jago champion, whiz, …
Terjemahan dari challenge nomina tantangan challenge, dare, defiance penolakan rejection, refusal, denial, repudiation, renunciation, challenge keberatan objection, reservation, drawback, challenge, demur, reluctance ajakan invitation, challenge, stimulus teguran warning, reprimand, reproof, admonition, wig, challenge verba menantang challenge, defy, brave, outdare meragukan question, challenge, suspect, impugn, halt, hang in the balance menegur rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, …
Terjemahan dari fracas nomina perkelahian fight, fighting, scuffle, melee, hassle, fracas pertengkaran quarrel, fight, squabbling, altercation, quarreling, fracas Definisi fracas nomina a noisy disturbance or quarrel. There were fights and fracas where I saw guns, knives, baseball bats and the rest, but nothing I couldn’t handle. sinonim: disturbance, brawl, melee, rumpus, skirmish, struggle, scuffle, scrum, …