Definisi welly nomina power or vigor. I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly Contoh I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly And you know what, he wasn’t that bad, it’s just in this day and age when they’re all using rackets the …
Terjemahan dari entrance nomina pintu masuk entrance, gateway, gate jalan masuk entrance, access, entryway, inlet, ingoing, ingress masuk entry, entrance, inlet penerimaan reception, acceptance, receipt, admission, enrollment, entrance hal masuk entrance verba mempesona dazzle, enchant, fascinate, charm, mesmerize, entrance memikat lure, attract, entice, enthrall, fascinate, entrance mempesonakan dazzle, magnetize, mesmerize, glamor, charm, entrance Definisi entrance …
Terjemahan dari concede verba mengakui admit, recognize, acknowledge, confess, concede, profess menyerah give up, surrender, give in, yield, submit, concede menyerahkan submit, hand, give, hand over, give up, concede mengizinkan allow, permit, authorize, consent, grant, concede membenarkan justify, confirm, condone, correct, warrant, concede memberi hak authorize, capacitate, charter, warrant, concede, seat Definisi concede verba admit …
Terjemahan dari whet verba mengasah hone, sharpen, whet, polish, grind, plane mengilir whet merangsang stimulate, excite, whet, provoke, titillate, agitate membangkitkan generate, raise, evoke, arouse, awaken, whet menambah add, increase, supplement, augment, gain, whet menambahkan add, append, increase, supplement, enhance, whet mempertajam sharpen, improve, exacerbate, increase, better, whet nomina pengasahan grinding, whet waktu time, period, …
Terjemahan dari promulgate verba menyebarluaskan disseminate, propagate, promulgate, blaze abroad memaklumkan promulgate, serve notice, advise memberitahukan tell, notify, inform, give, announce, promulgate mengajarkan teach, preach, lecture, promulgate mengumumkan dgn resmi promulgate Definisi promulgate verba promote or make widely known (an idea or cause). these objectives have to be promulgated within the organization sinonim: make known, …