Terjemahan dari brainstorm nomina ilham inspiration, brainwave, revelation, brainstorm Definisi brainstorm nomina a spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of solving problems. A survey by Business Link revealed that few rated brainstorms or discussions at work with colleagues. a moment in which one is suddenly unable to think clearly or act sensibly. Annabel …
Terjemahan dari ulterior adjektiva tersembunyi hidden, secret, ulterior, covert, latent, occult yg disembunyikan recondite, ulterior, covered Definisi ulterior adjektiva existing beyond what is obvious or admitted; intentionally hidden. could there be an ulterior motive behind his request? sinonim: underlying, undisclosed, undivulged, concealed, hidden, covert, secret, personal, private, selfish Sinonim adjektiva underlying, undisclosed, undivulged, concealed, hidden, …
Terjemahan dari chaperone verba mengantar take, usher, escort, bring, accompany, chaperone nomina pengiring gadis chaperon, chaperone wanita pengantar gadis chaperon, chaperone Definisi chaperone nomina a person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people. After the wedding ceremony, the bride is accompanied by her chaperone , even if staying overnight with the …
Terjemahan dari recent adjektiva baru new, recent, fresh, novel, modern, span-new belakangan ini recent aktuil current, recent, topical buncit distended, bloated, last, bulging, recent, pregnant yg baru terjadi recent, topical baru-baru recent, late Definisi recent adjektiva having happened, begun, or been done not long ago or not long before; belonging to a past period of …
Terjemahan dari vapor verba menguap evaporate, yawn, vaporize, vapor, volatilize, boil away menguapkan vaporize, evaporate, volatilize, vapor, steam, vapour mengukus steam, vapor, vapour berkukus vapor, distill, distil, vapour mengeluarkan issue, spend, release, pull out, put out, vapor nomina uap air steam, vapor, vapour asap smoke, fume, vapor, fog, reek, smolder kukus steam, vapor, marten, vapour …