
Terjemahan dari hoodlum
criminal, villain, crook, gangster, felon, hoodlum
buaya darat
blackguard, hooligan, con, hood, hoodlum, rocker
orang jahat
goon, ragamuffin, viper, blackguard, hoodlum, cur
Definisi hoodlum
a person who engages in crime and violence; a hooligan or gangster.
He was a gangster, a hoodlum , a thug: much less creative than his dad.
sinonim: thug, lout, delinquent, vandal, ruffian, hooligan, lowlife, gangster, crook, mobster, criminal, tough, bruiser, hardman, goon, hood, punk, rowdy
  • thug, lout, delinquent, vandal, ruffian, hooligan, lowlife, gangster, crook, mobster, criminal,tough, bruiser, hardman, goon, hood, punk, rowdy
  • punk, thug, toughie, hood, goon, tough
One particularly edgy sequence involves the hijacking of a transit bus by a young hoodlum , who’s then frustrated by the unwillingness of his hostages to express themselves honestly to him.
He was a gangster, a hoodlum , a thug: much less creative than his dad.
Over time, Taylor begins to enjoy life as a car-jacking hoodlum .
Suddenly a gang of young hoodlums enters, led by a thug named Frankie McCarthy.
The gist is this: there’s a small Scottish town plagued with young hoodlums whose violence is getting out of hand.
Instead the tabloids were full of stories about gangs of hoodlums running out of control, terrorising vulnerable people.
First of all a fearless, infallible hero pitted against a bunch of hoodlums and brutal, power-crazy politicians is too stereotypical for words.
But this was the work of a handful of hoodlums , terrorists or just plain criminals.
A pair of London hoodlums , rejected by the established criminal set, execute a spate of robberies, which finally results in the death of a policeman.
In fact, many people believe gangsters and hoodlums are vicious and violent by nature.
But the most horrific incident of this sort in the novel occurs when Lorraine is raped by C. C. Baker and his gang of hoodlums .
So you mean to tell me that those hoodlums are free to go after what they have been doing to my son?
Then they saw thugs and hoodlums taking over the streets.
The aim is to reduce the number of criminals who prey on tourists and get young hoodlums off the streets.
Doesn’t such an attitude encourage hoodlums to commit such crimes again and again?
Here was a young man who had left his middle-class home to fight alongside labourers, professors, artists and hoodlums .
Not content to leave it at that, the gang of hoodlums chased after the drunken trio.
When he talks of cracking down on the hoodlums and thugs who make life miserable on Britain’s poorest estates, people listen because they suspect he knows whereof he speaks.
The hoodlums reportedly beat Palestinian villagers and vandalised their property.
Off-licences selling alcohol to underage drinkers could be targeted as tough tactics are adopted to stop teenage hoodlums terrorising a town.
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