
Terjemahan dari harrowing
terrible, horrible, awful, dreadful, appalling, harrowing
yg menyiksa
torturous, harrowing, excruciating
Definisi harrow
acutely distressing.
a harrowing film about racism and violence
draw a harrow over (land).
Wheat fields are harrowed before the crop emerges to get the first flush of weeds.
cause distress to.
Todd could take it, whereas I’m harrowed by it
sinonim: distressing, distressful, traumatic, upsetting, shocking, disturbing, painful, haunting, appalling, horrifying; distress, trouble, bother, afflict, grieve, torment, disturb, pain, hurt, mortify
  • distressing, distressful, traumatic, upsetting, shocking, disturbing, painful, haunting, appalling,horrifying
  • torturous, excruciating, torturing, agonizing
  • distress, trouble, bother, afflict, grieve, torment, disturb, pain, hurt, mortify
  • disk
Contoh harrowing
What she went through had to have been harrowing .
The committee has heard a number of submissions, some of which were harrowing .
Publicity of this kind must be very harrowing for a normal, everyday woman going about her business.
The film is a harrowing tale about a woman who wakes up to find her husband dead.
Her battle with the disease included surviving two harrowing bone marrow transplants.
About 1949, the harrowing experience was relived by mother.
Escape training can be a harrowing experience especially for those who are claustrophobic.
The case histories of the three women afflicted with life-long suffering from the disease madeharrowing reading.
Ethiopia, where 10 to 14 million people now face famine, is also going through a harrowing experience.
Arab Americans who came forward to testify at the hearing told equally harrowing tales of harassment.
Terjemahan dari harrow
comb, bunch, cam, hand, harrow, rake
rake, raker, comb, harrow
comb, comb out, card, harrow
menyisir tahan
scratch, rake, scrape, claw, paw, harrow
sadden, pain, desolate, grieve, sore, harrow
hurt, injure, harm, wound, cut, harrow
interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, harrow
hurt, harm, rack, harrow, smart
rob, plunder, ransack, loot, sack, harrow
rip, tear, snag, tear out, harrow, reave
Definisi harrow
an implement consisting of a heavy frame set with teeth or tines that is dragged over plowed land to break up clods, remove weeds, and cover seed.
German farmers used spike-tooth harrows extensively to control weeds in small grains fields before the coming of herbicides.
draw a harrow over (land).
Wheat fields are harrowed before the crop emerges to get the first flush of weeds.
cause distress to.
Todd could take it, whereas I’m harrowed by it
sinonim: distress, trouble, bother, afflict, grieve, torment, disturb, pain, hurt, mortify
The adequate preparation is often achieved by ripping the land when the soil has good moisture, followed by chisel ploughing and the use of a fine harrow for fine seed preparation.
For this task, the farmer hitched the horse to a harrow which was dragged along the ground to break up the clods.
They should also be equipped with press wheels to produce good seed-to-soil contact and a harrow to scatter residue and help cover seed.
The most common tools used by farmers were metal tipped ploughs for turning over the soil andharrows to cover up the soil when seeds had been planted.
Eerie and harrowing , the film seethes with barely suppressed ferocity.
As harrowing as this discovery was, Byrne took some comfort in it since it offered an explanation for Alice’s mental problems.
He sits in on interviews which can last up to seven hours and can be harrowing if the refugees have had traumatic experiences.
The nearby dairy farmer plowed and harrowed the garden, and we planted cover crops of annual ryegrass and winter rye.
The film is a harrowing tale about a woman who wakes up to find her husband dead.
When it rains we usually spend time at the barn working on the disk harrowers and other farming equipment, and when it dries out we are able to put the harrowers and other equipment back to work.
A harrowingly metaphorical building, the Jewish Museum exemplifies the preoccupation with symbolism in Berlin’s new architecture.
Because of the flawed layout and the speed of the dual carriageway traffic, driving along this stretch of road can be harrowing .
I mostly watched it through my fingers, as it’s one of the most harrowing films I’ve ever seen.
The equipment chain of it consists of two plate millers, two scale plate ridgers, 1-2 multiharvestharrowers and a multiharvest loader, and 2-3 combination trailers.
The rapes of Boudica and her daughters by the Roman invaders are harrowingly shown.
Before yesterday’s hearing began he told families some of the evidence would be particularlyharrowing .
This is one of the finest accounts of a Greek play I have seen, and Claire Higgins’s harrowinglypassionate performance is great.
Wheat fields are harrowed before the crop emerges to get the first flush of weeds.
The new site will not be ready for about two weeks after they move off, and whilst it will be ploughed and harrowed it will still need cultivating.
It was harrowing to watch, and must have been truly terrible to witness.
The same year Healfden divided the land of the Northumbrians; so that they became afterwards theirharrowers and plowers.
He says visiting some malls and big shopping plazas on weekends can be harrowing .
Breaking with them – even when that means walking away from violence – can be harrowing .
The field is harrowed to kill the weeds which have already sprouted, then the corn will emerge soon afterwards.
For these men to even admit they have been hit by their wives is harrowing , never mind having to seek help from the police or a woman solicitor.
We deal with tillers shares, disk harrowers , mowers and agricultural bearings.
Chekhov’s short story ‘Peasants’ harrowingly captures the nastiness, brutishness and shortness of life in a village of the time.
I read many accounts as harrowing as what you see in this movie, and we felt a great responsibility to them.
Well I suppose at once extremely harrowing to give the evidence but in many ways extremely cathartic to do so.
The jury had heard harrowing and distressing evidence about the shooting.
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