Terjemahan dari domicile nomina tempat tinggal residence, place, dwelling, habitation, quarters, domicile domisile domicile Definisi domicile nomina the country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives in and has a substantial connection with. his wife has a domicile of origin in Germany verba treat a specified country as a permanent home. the …
Terjemahan dari senile adjektiva pikun senile uzur senile, weak, pregnant, worn-out Definisi senile adjektiva (of a person) having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental faculties. she couldn’t cope with her senile husband sinonim: doddering, doddery, decrepit, senescent, declining, infirm, feeble, aged, long in the tooth, in one’s …
Terjemahan dari manner nomina cara way, how, manner, means, mode, method sikap attitude, gesture, manner, demeanor, posture, pose gaya style, force, fashion, manner, genre, energy macam kind, sort, manner, variety, type, species ragam manner, kind, fad, style, type, whim olah manner, trick rentak behavior, tramp, time, measure, manner, behaviour lagu song, tune, piece, melody, number, …
Terjemahan dari stagger verba sempoyongan stagger, totter membingungkan confuse, baffle, puzzle, mystify, confound, stagger mencemaskan worry, thrill, perturb, put about, frighten, stagger mengejuntukan terrify, petrify, astound, frighten, fright, stagger mengagetkan surprise, startle, embarrass, bemuse, daze, stagger menggemparkan electrify, appall, appal, stagger menggoncangkan shake, shake up, jar, jiggle, agitate, stagger mengatur bergiliran stagger terhuyung-huyung stagger, reel, …
Terjemahan dari expedient adjektiva bijaksana wise, thoughtful, prudent, discreet, sensible, expedient nomina jalan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu passport, expedient tindakan yg membantu expedient Definisi expedient adjektiva (of an action) convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral. either side could break the agreement if it were expedient to do so sinonim: convenient, advantageous, in one’s own …