do something in a cursory manner
Terjemahan dari taint nomina noda stain, smudge, spot, taint, smear, mark keaiban shame, contumely, taint, reproach, humiliation, attaint cacad disability, defect, stigma, flaw, malformation, taint cacat defect, disability, flaw, blemish, fault, taint infeksi infection, taint verba mencemari contaminate, taint, defile, profane, foul, dirty menodai tarnish, stain, taint, desecrate, sully, besmirch mencemarkan contaminate, defame, defile, profane, …
Terjemahan dari senile adjektiva pikun senile uzur senile, weak, pregnant, worn-out Definisi senile adjektiva (of a person) having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental faculties. she couldn’t cope with her senile husband sinonim: doddering, doddery, decrepit, senescent, declining, infirm, feeble, aged, long in the tooth, in one’s …
Terjemahan dari villainous adjektiva jahat evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, villainous keji vile, nasty, vicious, despicable, wicked, villainous kejam cruel, ruthless, vicious, brutal, harsh, villainous buruk sekali terrible, crappy, abominable, execrable, awkward, villainous Definisi villainous adjektiva relating to, constituting, or guilty of wicked or criminal behavior. his group of villainous accomplices are wreaking havoc on …
Terjemahan dari sacrilegious adjektiva asusila immoral, sacrilegious, wanton, amoral yg melanggar kesucian sacrilegious yg mencemarkan kesucian sacrilegious Definisi sacrilegious adjektiva involving or committing sacrilege. a sacrilegious act sinonim: profane, blasphemous, impious, sinful, irreverent, irreligious, unholy, disrespectful Sinonim adjektiva profane, blasphemous, impious, sinful, irreverent, irreligious, unholy, disrespectful profane, blasphemous Comments comments
Terjemahan dari felony nomina kejahatan besar felony Definisi felony nomina a crime, typically one involving violence, regarded as more serious than a misdemeanor, and usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death. he pleaded guilty to six felonies Contoh In the great majority of cases in which death ensues as a …