do something in a cursory manner
Terjemahan dari inebriate nomina pemabuk drunk, drunkard, guzzler, drinker, sot, inebriate verba memabukkan intoxicate, stupefy, inebriate, drug, fuddle, tipsify Definisi inebriate nomina a drunkard. Philostratus in turn described Andros as a land of Cockaigne for inebriates . verba make (someone) drunk; intoxicate. The old man was not inebriated or hurt by a passing vehicle. adjektiva …
Terjemahan dari temporary adjektiva sementara temporary, interim, provisional, transient, temporal, tentative Definisi temporary adjektiva lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent. a temporary job sinonim: nonpermanent, short-term, interim, provisional, pro tem, makeshift, stopgap, acting, fill-in, stand-in, caretaker; brief, short-lived, momentary, fleeting, passing nomina a person employed on a temporary basis, typically an …
Terjemahan dari duplicity nomina tipu daya trickery, deceit, guile, intrigue, duplicity, wile tipu muslihat guile, trickery, deceit, intrigue, craftiness, duplicity sikap bermuka dua duplicity perbuatan bermuka dua duplicity Definisi duplicity nomina deceitfulness; double-dealing. To promote and protect their interest, they used coercion, bribery and nepotism as state policy and created a culture of opportunism, deceit, …
Terjemahan dari demand nomina permintaan demand, request, wish, appeal, solicitation, plea tuntutan demand, claim, charge, requirement, indictment, assertion verba menuntut demand, sue, require, prosecute, claim, insist meminta ask, request, seek, call, demand, beg memerlukan need, require, take, entail, necessitate, demand mendesak urge, insist, push, press, demand, exhort membutuhkan need, require, want, demand, call, involve menyuruh …
Terjemahan dari vicarious adjektiva yg mewakili vicarious yg mengganti vicarious yg seolah mengalami sendiri vicarious yg dilakukan untuk orang lain vicarious Definisi vicarious adjektiva experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person. I could glean vicarious pleasure from the struggles of my imaginary film friends sinonim: indirect, secondhand, secondary, derivative, derived, …