Terjemahan dari comfortably adverbia dgn senang pleasantly, comfortably Sinonim comfortably adverbia well Terjemahan dari comfortable adjektiva enak good, tasty, delicious, nice, comfortable, well senang happy, pleased, glad, good, nice, comfortable cukup enough, sufficient, adequate, ample, fair, comfortable lumayan good, tolerable, decent, sizable, middling, comfortable sreg comfortable, comfy, appropriate nikmat enjoyable, cozy, comfortable, comfy, cosy nyenyak …
Terjemahan dari patrimony nomina warisan heritage, legacy, inheritance, patrimony, bequest, heirdom harta warisan nenek moyang patrimony Definisi patrimony nomina property inherited from one’s father or male ancestor. The modern official formation of the Japanese canon of cultural patrimony dates back to the first cultural protection law of 1871. Sinonim nomina heritage, inheritance, birthright, legacy, bequest, …
Terjemahan dari domicile nomina tempat tinggal residence, place, dwelling, habitation, quarters, domicile domisile domicile Definisi domicile nomina the country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives in and has a substantial connection with. his wife has a domicile of origin in Germany verba treat a specified country as a permanent home. the …
Terjemahan dari progeny nomina keturunan descent, offspring, descendant, ancestry, heredity, progeny anak-anak children, brood, progeny, small anak cucu children and grandchildren, posterity, offspring, progeny, descendant Definisi progeny nomina a descendant or the descendants of a person, animal, or plant; offspring. the progeny of mixed marriages sinonim: offspring, young, babies, children, sons and daughters, family, brood, …
Terjemahan dari rampant adjektiva yg merajalela rampant, high-handed tdk terkendali rampant, harebrained yg berdiri dgn kaki belakang rampant yg menjadi-jadi rampant Definisi rampant adjektiva (especially of something unwelcome or unpleasant) flourishing or spreading unchecked. political violence was rampant sinonim: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled, widespread, out of control, out of hand, rife (of an animal) represented …