
Terjemahan dari bestow
give, provide, offer, supply, allow, bestow
bestow, endue, indue
bestow, delegate, dump, shower, overwhelm, heap
Definisi bestow
confer or present (an honor, right, or gift).
the office was bestowed on him by the chief of state
sinonim: confer on, grant, accord, afford, endow someone with, vest in, present, award, give, donate to, entrust with, vouchsafe
  • confer on, grant, accord, afford, endow someone with, vest in, present, award, give, donate to,entrust with, vouchsafe
  • confer
  • bring, add, contribute, lend, impart
Lebih sedikit sinonim
stooping to bestow the presents into eager hands
As the evangelist most preoccupied with the formation of the church, Luke emphasizes the importance of the bestowal of the Holy Spirit in both his gospel and Acts.
It was the greatest honour that could be bestowed on her and she was very proud to be mayor.
On accepting the honour bestowed on her by the Mayo Society, Mary received a standing ovation by all in attendance.
It is a gift, bestowed on relatively few people, and certainly not something to be mandated.
This is the first time this honour has been bestowed on a Councillor from the area.
These are more than symbolic bestowals , however.
Too many honours have been bestowed on him, surely he should say enough is enough.
Infants in particular are under threat, since they are still growing into their full identity as social subjects signified by the bestowal of a name.
These awaken our appreciation for all the gifts God has bestowed upon us and remind us of how much God loves us.
Here are buildings constructed by the faithful and the finest artists and architects throughout the centuries, more beautiful than ever but not really serving their highest purpose: the praise of God and the bestowal of grace on men.
In part, the inspiration consisted of the unpredictable bestowal of excessive praise and undeserved blame, a technique which he would later use to such effect with his own pupils.
Lavish gifts are bestowed upon visitors, guests, and distant cousins alike.
The nobles, who, because of their birth and wealth controlled access to all essential services, were expected to provide various services to their cities in exchange for the public bestowal of honor from the inhabitants.
Many honours have been bestowed on this outstanding algebraist.
I would first like to thank the University for the honour it has bestowed upon me today.
My grandfather frequently threatened to rescind the myriad generous bestowals my sister and I were to receive upon his passing if he ever heard we’d cast a Democratic vote.
Her story deeply touches me, and I think she fully deserves the various titles and honours bestowed upon her.
Most of the given bestowals of nature have their given species-specified natures: they are each and all of a given sort.
These are both very prestigious honours bestowed upon someone who had never even seen pole vault five years ago.
A person’s highest happiness is found in the bestowal of benefits on those he loves; love finds its most natural and spontaneous expression in giving.
Warmest congratulations to Jarlath on this very special honour which is being bestowed on him this weekend.
At the time this honour had only been bestowed on 20 leading obstetricians in the world.
The award of directorships is more significant than the bestowal of gongs; and reading what the papers say is not the same as knowing why they say it.
Or was the bestowal of a glass of wine regarded as a necessary courtesy in broaching or sealing these unsentimental transactions?
Patrons remained in the superior social position, even if they failed to reciprocate their clients’ publicbestowals of loyalty and honor.
Johnny is a complex man, working to come to terms with the haunting gift that has been bestowedupon him.
They are gifts bestowed on us at milestone birthdays and in retirement.
We should count our blessings every day and take pleasure in the miraculous gifts bestowed upon us.
The Lord Lieutenant High Honour is bestowed once a year by the Lord Lieutenant of each county.
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