persecute, mistreat, torture, molest, maul, manhandle
interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, molest
the crowd was shouting abuse and molesting the two police officers
persecute, mistreat, torture, molest, maul, manhandle
interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, molest
the crowd was shouting abuse and molesting the two police officers
Terjemahan dari slumlord nomina pemilik rumah-rumah gubuk slumlord Definisi slumlord nomina a landlord of slum property, especially one who profiteers. ‘I’m convinced that it’s the first time this city will have a real plan of action against slums and slumlords ,’ says Prescott, who believes it’ll take some imagination and, of course, some cash. Contoh …
Definisi welly nomina power or vigor. I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly Contoh I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly I like big, fat voices with plenty of welly And you know what, he wasn’t that bad, it’s just in this day and age when they’re all using rackets the …
Terjemahan dari muzzy adjektiva suram gloomy, bleak, grim, dismal, dreary, muzzy bingung confused, puzzled, perplexed, upset, disoriented, muzzy tdk jelas inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, hazy, woolly mabuk drunk, drunken, intoxicated, boozy, tanked, muzzy Definisi muzzy adjektiva unable to think clearly; confused. she was shivering and her head felt muzzy from sleep sinonim: groggy, lightheaded, faint, …
Terjemahan dari chummy adjektiva akrab familiar, intimate, close, chummy, great, fast karib intimate, chummy, fast Definisi chummy adjektiva on friendly terms; friendly. she’s become pretty chummy with Ted lately sinonim: friendly, on good terms, close, familiar, intimate, buddy-buddy, thick, palsy-walsy Sinonim adjektiva friendly, on good terms, close, familiar, intimate, buddy-buddy, thick, palsy-walsy buddy-buddy, thick pally, …
Terjemahan dari paroxysm nomina serangan hebat onslaught, paroxysm luapan mendadak paroxysm serangan tiba-tiba sneak attack, sally, sortie, fit, paroxysm Definisi paroxysm nomina a sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity. a paroxysm of weeping sinonim: spasm, attack, fit, burst, bout, convulsion, seizure, outburst, eruption, explosion, access Sinonim nomina spasm, attack, fit, …