Terjemahan dari cryptic adjektiva samar vague, cryptic, dim, disguised, hazy, nebulous samar-samar equivocal, dim, vague, hazy, nebulous, cryptic rahasia secret, confidential, classified, clandestine, undercover, cryptic tersembunyi hidden, secret, ulterior, covert, latent, cryptic sandi cryptic gaib supernatural, occult, magical, magic, invisible, cryptic tdk terang unclear, indistinct, cryptic tdk jelas inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, hazy, cryptic yg …
Terjemahan dari county nomina daerah area, region, district, county, zone, terrain wilayah region, territory, district, zone, domain, county propinsi province, county, canton Definisi county nomina (in the US) a political and administrative division of a state, providing certain local governmental services. His spending blazed a new path through the county ‘s usual political circuit. Sinonim …
Terjemahan dari bestow verba memberikan give, provide, offer, supply, allow, bestow menganugerahi bestow, endue, indue melimpahkan bestow, delegate, dump, shower, overwhelm, heap Definisi bestow verba confer or present (an honor, right, or gift). the office was bestowed on him by the chief of state sinonim: confer on, grant, accord, afford, endow someone with, vest in, …
Terjemahan dari champaign nomina padang field, champaign adjektiva datar dan terbuka champaign Definisi Champaign nomina open level countryside. nomina a city in east central Illinois, home to the University of Illinois; population 79,389 (est. 2008). Sinonim champaign nomina plain, field Lihat juga champaign Comments comments
Terjemahan dari intrepid adjektiva pemberani intrepid berani brave, bold, daring, courageous, audacious, intrepid gagah dashing, handsome, gallant, strong, manly, intrepid Definisi intrepid adjektiva fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect). our intrepid reporter sinonim: fearless, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, unshrinking, bold, daring, gallant, audacious, adventurous, heroic, dynamic, spirited, indomitable, brave, courageous, valiant, valorous, stouthearted, …