religious bigots
religious bigots
(adj.) logically consistent, intelligible (William could not figure out what Harold had seen because he was too distraught to deliver a coherent statement.) Terjemahan dari coherent adjektiva koheren coherent jelas clear, obvious, evident, plain, vivid, coherent terang bright, light, clear, candid, luminous, coherent masuk akal reasonable, plausible, rational, sound, coherent, reasoned bertalian secara logis coherent …
erjemahan dari weld nomina las weld, joint verba dilas weld melas weld mematerikan weld, solder menggalang support, weld, shore, block, scotch, lay a base for menyatukan unite, unify, combine, merge, concatenate, weld memateri weld, solder Definisi weld nomina a welded joint. This process is quite common for making welds for making watertight joints for tanks, …
Terjemahan dari once adverbia sekali once, very, so, much, too, extremely pernah ever, once tahu once nomina suatu waktu once suatu kejadian once konjungsi segera sesudah once Definisi once adverbia on one occasion or for one time only. they deliver once a week sinonim: on one occasion, one time, one single time at some time …
Terjemahan dari excruciating adjektiva mengerikan terrible, horrible, awful, dreadful, appalling, excruciating yg menyiksa torturous, harrowing, excruciating Definisi excruciate adjektiva intensely painful. excruciating back pain sinonim: agonizing, severe, acute, intense, violent, racking, searing, piercing, stabbing, raging, unbearable, unendurable, splitting, killing verba torment (someone) physically or mentally. I stand back, excruciated by the possibility Sinonim adjektiva agonizing, …
Terjemahan dari villainous adjektiva jahat evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, villainous keji vile, nasty, vicious, despicable, wicked, villainous kejam cruel, ruthless, vicious, brutal, harsh, villainous buruk sekali terrible, crappy, abominable, execrable, awkward, villainous Definisi villainous adjektiva relating to, constituting, or guilty of wicked or criminal behavior. his group of villainous accomplices are wreaking havoc on …