religious bigots
religious bigots
Terjemahan dari litigation nomina proses pengadilan litigation jalannya perkara litigation Definisi litigation nomina the process of taking legal action. the company wishes to avoid litigation sinonim: legal proceedings, legal action, lawsuit, legal dispute, legal case, case, suit, prosecution, indictment Sinonim nomina legal proceedings, legal action, lawsuit, legal dispute, legal case, case, suit, prosecution,indictment judicial proceeding …
Terjemahan dari affluent adjektiva makmur prosperous, affluent, opulent, palmy, luxurious, well-heeled kaya rich, wealthy, affluent, well, prosperous, loaded limpah affluent, abundant, overflow, prodigal berlimpah-limpah abundant, plenteous, plentiful, lavish, affluent, copious subur fertile, lush, rich, fruitful, flourishing, affluent yg berlebihan superfluous, supererogatory, hyperbolical, copious, pleonastic, affluent yg berlebih-lebihan copious, profuse, affluent, surplus, redundant, superfluous nomina anak …
Terjemahan dari eloquent adjektiva fasih fluent, eloquent, glib, voluble, quick-witted pandai berpidato eloquent, silver-tongued, smooth-talking pandai bicara eloquent, silver-tongued, smooth-talking fasih bicara eloquent, voluble, quick-witted, silver-tongued penuh perasaan soulful, eloquent, lyrical, tasteful yg dpt berbicara lancar voluble, eloquent yg mengesankan memorable, impressive, prepossessing, effective, eloquent, showy Definisi eloquent adjektiva fluent or persuasive in speaking or …
Terjemahan dari malignancy nomina keganasan malignancy, ferocity, violence, fierceness, cruelty, malignity kejahatan crime, evil, wickedness, offense, harm, malignancy keburukan badness, disrepute, infamy, deterioration, meanness, malignancy kebencian hatred, hate, resentment, loathing, hostility, malignancy dendam revenge, grudge, resentment, spite, rancor, malignancy permusuhan hostility, enmity, feud, antagonism, malignancy, malignity penyakit yg berbahaya malignancy, malignance, malignity Definisi malignancy nomina …
Terjemahan dari furtive adjektiva sembunyi secret, stealthy, concealed, furtive Definisi furtive adjektiva attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive. they spent a furtive day together sinonim: secretive, secret, surreptitious, clandestine, hidden, covert, conspiratorial, cloak-and-dagger, backroom, backstairs, sly, sneaky, under-the-table, sidelong, sideways, oblique, …