tdk penting
immaterial, inessential, of no importance, negligible, inconsequential, extrinsic
extrinsic factors that might affect time budgets
tdk penting
immaterial, inessential, of no importance, negligible, inconsequential, extrinsic
extrinsic factors that might affect time budgets
Terjemahan dari coxcombical adjektiva pesolek trig, foppish, nifty, dandified, nobby, coxcombical puas akan diri sendiri smug, coxcombical, complacent, self-complacent, self-contented, self-righteous Comments comments
Menggugah Definisi evocative adjektiva bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind. powerfully evocative lyrics sinonim: reminiscent, suggestive, redolent, expressive, vivid, graphic, powerful, haunting, moving, poignant Sinonim adjektiva reminiscent, suggestive, redolent, expressive, vivid, graphic, powerful, haunting, moving,poignant redolent, resonant, reminiscent, remindful Contoh This image is perhaps the most detailed and least evocative of those on …
Terjemahan dari imply verba berarti mean, imply, matter, signify, count, spell mengartikan interpret, define, imply, bear a meaning for membisikkan whisper, murmur, suggest, imply menunjukkan kebenaran imply menunjukkan yg benar imply Definisi imply verba strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated). the salesmen who uses jargon to imply his superior knowledge …
Terjemahan dari priceless adjektiva tak ternilai priceless Definisi priceless adjektiva so precious that its value cannot be determined. priceless works of art sinonim: invaluable, of incalculable value/worth, of immeasurable value/worth, beyond price, irreplaceable, incomparable, unparalleled Sinonim adjektiva invaluable, of incalculable value/worth, of immeasurable value/worth, beyond price,irreplaceable, incomparable, unparalleled invaluable Contoh Of course, it would be …
Terjemahan dari diminutive adjektiva kecil small, little, minor, young, slight, diminutive yg mengecilkan artinya diminutive, diminutival nomina kata pengecil diminutive Definisi diminutive adjektiva extremely or unusually small. a diminutive figure dressed in black sinonim: tiny, small, little, petite, elfin, minute, miniature, mini, minuscule, compact, pocket, toy, midget, undersized, short, teeny, weeny, teeny-weeny, teensy-weensy, itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy, …