Prehensile artinya yang dapat memegang Perhatikan contoh kalimat di bawah : Nocturnal and arboreal, they clamber up trees and hang from limbs thanks to long prehensile tails and opposable inside toes (like thumbs) on their hind feet. This animal has a prehensile tail, which means it lives in the treetops. Coendou and Sphiggurus are arboreal …
Terjemahan dari disputatious adjektiva argumentatif disputatious penuh dgn argumen disputatious Definisi disputatious adjektiva fond of or causing heated arguments. a congenial hangout for disputatious academics Sinonim adjektiva contentious, litigious, combative Contoh To place those two disputatious lawyers side by side, even in after-life, would have been a certain recipe for conflict. A more accurate portrayal …
Terjemahan dari episodic adjektiva tdk sengaja episodic, adventitious, aleatory, coincidental, contingent, episodical Definisi episodic adjektiva containing or consisting of a series of loosely connected parts or events. an episodic narrative sinonim: in episodes, in installments, in sections, in parts Sinonim adjektiva intermittent, sporadic, periodic, fitful, irregular, spasmodic, occasional, nonconsecutive in episodes, in installments, in sections, …
Terjemahan dari challenge nomina tantangan challenge, dare, defiance penolakan rejection, refusal, denial, repudiation, renunciation, challenge keberatan objection, reservation, drawback, challenge, demur, reluctance ajakan invitation, challenge, stimulus teguran warning, reprimand, reproof, admonition, wig, challenge verba menantang challenge, defy, brave, outdare meragukan question, challenge, suspect, impugn, halt, hang in the balance menegur rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, …
Terjemahan dari indoctrinate verba mengindoktrinasikan indoctrinate menanamkan embed, instill, invest, inculcate, infuse, indoctrinate menanam plant, grow, cultivate, sow, invest, indoctrinate mengindoktrinir indoctrinate mengajarkan dgn mendalam indoctrinate Definisi indoctrinate verba teach (a person or group) to accept a set of beliefs uncritically. broadcasting was a vehicle for indoctrinating the masses sinonim: brainwash, propagandize, proselytize, reeducate, persuade, …