
Terjemahan dari crummy
tdk bagus
crummy, inurbane
yg tdk memuaskan
unsatisfactory, unsatisfying, lame, pitiful, crummy
Definisi crummy
dirty, unpleasant, or of poor quality.
a crummy little room
punk, bum, sleazy, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, tinny
I’m having a crummy week so far and it’s only Tuesday.
I began going to the local council gym, but I found it unpleasant and crummy so I gave that up too.
Heck, he could probably flog you a crummy endowment mortgage and a rubbish personal pension plan.
After some hassles with getting food and crummy weather, I finally get there.
In this age of rotten service, crummy products and seething attitudes, you have accidentally stumbled onto a solution to those woes.
They weren’t successful, they toured in an old crummy van for 22 years.
But for tonight, it’s a long-overdue bedtime (as I didn’t sleep well at all last night), and a putting of a generally crummy day behind me.
After reviewing his notes in his crummy little room, The Bank Robber comes up with a Plan.
‘Beth hasn’t been over there long enough other than to say that the food is crummy ,’ he says.
All I can do in the time available is to offer instruction on the first and most important element ofcrummy writing, which is (as my title suggests) bad plotting.
When a band offers to take an off-night at a venue, or open for a crummy band, and can still deliver on a guarantee, they inevitably build momentum.
It really wasn’t a bad week, but I have to conclude that it’s a crummy Friday night.
I used to live in apartments like that too – but at least they were in the city, close to other things like… well, friends in equally crummy apartments.
When teens are depressed, anxious, insecure, angry, frustrated or just plain feeling crummy inside, they often act out as a way of expressing negative feelings.
When asked what he thought was making him feel crummy , the young doctor drew a blank.
Trust me, all of this is lousy, crummy , rotten behavior on your husband’s part.
Critics have said the film is all style and substance, but for awhile the wild colours and lavish sets assault you so much that you don’t notice the crummy dialogue and absence of plot.
Do you do poor work because you have a crummy job, or do you have a crummy job because you do poor work?
He writes and that’s all he does, occasionally taking a crummy job to keep things going.
I’ve read everything this man has written, with delight: he can’t stand crummy design, poor execution, or indifference to the end-user.
Clearing the air beats sitting home and feeling crummy .
We’ve got a good band… and I don’t want to be out there just being crummy and a shadow of what we were.
This is the way video art should be viewed – in the comfort of your own home, without the discomfort of the gallery and the need to wear crummy headphones while perched on a bean bag.
Then I began to feel really crummy which we found out a few days later was pneumonia.
I love paperbacks because I’m very good to my books and I’ve only had a couple of crummily made ones fall apart, which I can usually fix by repairing the spine with rubber glue.
The inside of cabooses reflected the conductor’s personal habits and the degree of cleanliness varied with some men being noted for spotless vans while others were much less so giving rise to the age old term for vans as ‘ crummies ’.
So if you see someone being treated crummily , stick up for them.
Sure, this comes at the cost of some additional potential wear and tear on the caboose, but crummiesare tough and the learning experience seems worth the price.
Saturday was kinda crummy, but not really awful, just general level crumminess .
I was pretty numb when dad died, but the sheer crumminess of it all sort of dawns on you slowly.
Baca Juga  Disrelish
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