Serendipitious berasal dari kata serendipity serendipitous artinya yang berhubungan dengan keuntungan serendipitous encounter – pertemuan yang tidak disengaja occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way. a serendipitous encounter sinonim: chance, accidental, coincidental, lucky, fluky, fortuitous, unexpected, unforeseen chance, accidental, coincidental, lucky, fluky, fortuitous, unexpected, unforeseen Comments comments
Terjemahan dari facade nomina muka bangunan facade penglihatan vision, sight, eyesight, view, facade, perception pemandangan view, scenery, sight, landscape, scene, facade depan rumah facade bagian luar outside, exterior, facade, face bagian muka dr suatu gedung facade, face tedeng aling-aling facade Definisi facade nomina the face of a building, especially the principal front that looks onto …
Terjemahan dari vexatious adjektiva yg menyusahkan troublous, vexatious, bothersome, tiresome, distressing, trying yg menjengkelkan irritating, maddening, vexing, irritant, irritative, vexatious yg mengesalkan vexatious, vexing Definisi vexatious adjektiva causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry. the vexatious questions posed by software copyrights Sinonim adjektiva nettlesome, teasing, pestiferous, vexing, pesky, plaguey, irritating, plaguy, galling, pestering,bothersome, …
Terjemahan dari treachery nomina pengkhianatan betrayal, treason, treachery, denunciation, denouncement, treacherousness kecederaan treachery, perfidy, faithlessness Definisi treachery nomina betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature. his resignation was perceived as an act of treachery sinonim: betrayal, disloyalty, faithlessness, unfaithfulness, infidelity, breach of trust, duplicity, dirty tricks, deceit, deception, chicanery, stab in the back, backstabbing, double-dealing, …
Terjemahan dari adroit adjektiva gesit agile, nimble, mobile, adroit, spry, active cerdas intelligent, smart, clever, discerning, bright, adroit pandai clever, good, intelligent, proficient, versed, adroit cerdik dodgy, clever, astute, cunning, canny, adroit cekatan deft, nimble, workmanlike, agile, handy, adroit cakap capable, competent, good, skilled, able, adroit tangkas agile, swift, dexterous, nimble, competent, adroit lihai shrewd, …