Definisi wacko nomina a crazy person. In any case, I do think that trying to characterize the anti-war movement by the wackos is just what I said: a misrepresentation of the political opposition. adjektiva mad; insane. his willingness to pursue every wacko idea that enters his mind Sinonim nomina whacko, nutter Contoh Maybe agreeing with …
Terjemahan dari despicable adjektiva tercela despicable, disgraceful, reprehensible, deplorable, ignoble, ignominious hina despicable, abject, contemptible, lowly, humble, vile keji vile, nasty, vicious, despicable, wicked, nefarious yg patut dibenci despicable, execrable Definisi despicable adjektiva deserving hatred and contempt. a despicable crime sinonim: contemptible, loathsome, hateful, detestable, reprehensible, abhorrent, abominable, awful, heinous, odious, vile, low, mean, abject, …
Terjemahan dari lair nomina sarang nest, den, lair, digs, breeding ground, haunt jerumun lair, shelter Definisi lair nomina a wild animal’s resting place, especially one that is well hidden. What a desolation it has become, a lair for wild animals! sinonim: den, burrow, hole, tunnel, cave Sinonim nomina den, burrow, hole, tunnel, cave hideout, hiding …
Terjemahan dari vessel nomina kapal ship, boat, vessel, craft, shipboard, watercraft pembuluh vessel, artery, tube, duct, pipe bejana vessel, container, vase wadah container, vessel, receptacle, crock bak basin, vessel, trough, font, dolly tub, scuttle tempat place, where, spot, point, area, vessel Definisi vessel nomina a ship or large boat. The bridge only opens with two …
Terjemahan dari corky adjektiva periang jovial, cheery, gay, corky, jaunty, volatile gembira happy, excited, glad, delighted, elated, corky seperti sumbat corky Definisi corky adjektiva corklike. Some varieties, for example Riesling, have corky lenticels scattered over the skin. (of wine) corked. And our very own Wine and Spirit Association, WSA, took for ever to publish its …