sangat berharga
luxurious, plush, posh, sumptuous, lavish, costly
yg merugikan
prejudicial, injurious, calamitous, adverse, damnific, costly
major problems requiring costly repairs
sangat berharga
luxurious, plush, posh, sumptuous, lavish, costly
yg merugikan
prejudicial, injurious, calamitous, adverse, damnific, costly
major problems requiring costly repairs
Crucible artinya percobaan, ujian berat, atau bisa juga berarti tempat pencarian logam, tegantung konteks kalimatnya. Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat di bawah ini : The author called these statements spiritual practice for they could only have been forged in the crucible of each woman’s daily living. The difference is that Ulysses rejected the temptations that life’s crucible threw at him …
Terjemahan dari disputatious adjektiva argumentatif disputatious penuh dgn argumen disputatious Definisi disputatious adjektiva fond of or causing heated arguments. a congenial hangout for disputatious academics Sinonim adjektiva contentious, litigious, combative Contoh To place those two disputatious lawyers side by side, even in after-life, would have been a certain recipe for conflict. A more accurate portrayal …
Slack artinya lemah, lambat, kendur Simak beberapa kalimat di bawah ini untuk lebih memahami maksudnya : Contoh They moved around behind the tree, then the rope went slack and the ground smashed up. Haxby United edged into a 1-0 lead over visiting Old Malton when slack defensive play let in David Thompson for a well-taken …
Terjemahan dari inane adjektiva bodoh stupid, foolish, fool, dumb, ignorant, inane tolol foolish, stupid, fool, silly, idiotic, inane kurang bijaksana undiplomatic, maladroit, crackbrained, inane, ill-judged kosong empty, blank, vacant, free, bare, inane tak berarti meaningless, insignificant, negligible, pointless, inconsiderable, inane Definisi inane adjektiva silly; stupid. don’t constantly badger people with inane questions sinonim: silly, foolish, …
Terjemahan dari flimsy adjektiva tipis thin, slim, flimsy, sheer, light, slight rapuh fragile, brittle, frail, crumbly, weak, flimsy lemah weak, poor, faint, feeble, frail, flimsy sangat halus ethereal, exquisite, flimsy yg bukan-bukan nonsensical, faddish, faddy, flimsy, nugatory, madcap nomina kertas tipis flimsy kawat wire, cable, cord, line, strand, flimsy telegram telegram, telegraph, wire, cablegram, flimsy …