cuddle artinya mengemong, atau memeluk dengan penuh kasih sayang Contoh Kalimat : The revised plans for the block have been posted in an obscure place which only the people parking their cars for a quick kiss and a cuddle will see. Actually, what she means is that she thinks I’m a sucker for a …
Terjemahan dari tenement nomina rumah petak tenement tanah sewa tenement Definisi tenement nomina a room or a set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block of apartments. The flat was part of a refurbished block of tenements that belonged to a housing co-operative. a piece of land held by an owner. …
In sport, a huddle is an action of a team gathering together, usually in a tight circle, to strategise, motivate or celebrate. It is a popular strategy for keeping opponents insulated from sensitive information, and acts as a form of insulation when the level of noise in the venue is such that normal on-field communication …
Terjemahan dari cryptic adjektiva samar vague, cryptic, dim, disguised, hazy, nebulous samar-samar equivocal, dim, vague, hazy, nebulous, cryptic rahasia secret, confidential, classified, clandestine, undercover, cryptic tersembunyi hidden, secret, ulterior, covert, latent, cryptic sandi cryptic gaib supernatural, occult, magical, magic, invisible, cryptic tdk terang unclear, indistinct, cryptic tdk jelas inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, hazy, cryptic yg …
Terjemahan dari imply verba berarti mean, imply, matter, signify, count, spell mengartikan interpret, define, imply, bear a meaning for membisikkan whisper, murmur, suggest, imply menunjukkan kebenaran imply menunjukkan yg benar imply Definisi imply verba strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated). the salesmen who uses jargon to imply his superior knowledge …