Terjemahan dari betrayal nomina pengkhianatan betrayal, treason, treachery, denunciation, denouncement, treacherousness kekhianatan betrayal, treason Sinonim betrayal nomina disloyalty, treachery, bad faith, faithlessness, falseness, duplicity, deception, double-dealing,breach of faith, breach of trust, stab in the back, double-cross, sellout, perfidy perfidy, treachery, treason Contoh the betrayal by the French of their own refugees these developments represented a …
Terjemahan dari comfortably adverbia dgn senang pleasantly, comfortably Sinonim comfortably adverbia well Terjemahan dari comfortable adjektiva enak good, tasty, delicious, nice, comfortable, well senang happy, pleased, glad, good, nice, comfortable cukup enough, sufficient, adequate, ample, fair, comfortable lumayan good, tolerable, decent, sizable, middling, comfortable sreg comfortable, comfy, appropriate nikmat enjoyable, cozy, comfortable, comfy, cosy nyenyak …
Terjemahan dari belittle verba meremehkan underestimate, belittle, disparage, disdain, look down, underrate mengabaikan ignore, overlook, neglect, disregard, omit, belittle menganggap kecil belittle memperkecil minimize, reduce, lessen, narrow, dampen, belittle memperhina humiliate, insult, despise, belittle, disparage memperhinakan humiliate, insult, despise, belittle, disparage Definisi belittle verba make (someone or something) seem unimportant. this is not to belittle …
Terjemahan dari accost verba menyapa greet, address, accost, hollo, holloa menegur rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, accost mendekati approach, near, come near to, come up, get near to, accost nomina peneguran accost penyapaan accost Definisi accost verba approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively. reporters accosted him in the street sinonim: confront, call to, shout …
Terjemahan dari pesky adjektiva sial pesky, unlucky, unhappy, inauspicious, inopportune, hoodoo celaka unlucky, doggone, infernal, pesky, accursed, accurst yg mengganggu irritant, aggravating, irritative, pestilential, importunate, pesky Definisi pesky adjektiva causing trouble; annoying. pesky mosquitoes Sinonim adjektiva nettlesome, teasing, pestiferous, vexatious, vexing, plaguey, irritating, plaguy, galling,pestering, bothersome, annoying Contoh Trim as necessary and adhere to the …